Your Future Needs You

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I have been entrapped in this fucking prison for a whole month now. I have also been asleep for the majority of it, not by choice either. Cossomo stopped bringing the sleeping elixirs when he nearly got his eye impaled by a wooden dagger I had whittled in my boredom. Perhaps when they sing songs about me one day, they will mention that it is unwise to make me a prisoner.

There's a knock at the door. Quiet and hesitant.

"Cossomo, how many times must I tell you that the next time you get near me I will aim for your dick and I won't miss!" I hissed as I stare at the ceiling from my dreadful cot.

The door creaks open, with footsteps slowly but surely approaching closer. I refuse to look, refuse to acknowledge the freak who has turned me into his sleeping beauty.

"Laenyra." whispers a brittle voice that sounds exactly like the one person I currently miss the most.

I sit right up and start to believe I'm hallucinating. "...Jacaerys?"

My twin brother nods his head as tears fill in his brown doe eyes. My hands push me hard off the edge of the cot as I lunge into Jace's arms. He smells of dragon and pine, a scent that always calmed my nerves growing up. I push my head back to reassess if it is really him or if Cossomo gave some form of cursed potion again. My thumbs feel around his face, he's changed. He's somehow managed to grow a few little hairs around his top lip, my eyebrows are sharper, and his eyes are more tired. Heavy tears flow down my cheeks at the relief that he is still here, still alive- he's here to free me from this hell.

"I...I thought you to be dead. You were gone for so long, Laenyra. I felt as if I had lost half of my body" my twin confided as we tightened our embrace again.

"I know Jace, I missed you too" I admit softly. "How did you find me?"

He tightens his lips into a straight line and huffs a big breath. "I was sent a raven by Aemond."

Oddly, I begin to start to hysterically laugh at the humor of it all. So Aemond leaves me here stranded and then sends word of my whereabouts by raven to my twin brother as if he was afraid to say it to his face? Fuckwad.

"We must go" Jace announces as he assesses the horrendous robe I've been wearing. "Perhaps we can find somewhere to get you more appropriate garments for the journey..."


Upon walking through the town, an elderly blind woman with coarse wrinkled skin and all white eyes grabbed me by the wrists. Both Jace and I flinch and prepare to fight, but she croaks out foreign words before we could even move.

"Mihi opus est ad finem (Latin for my work has come to an end)!" She praises, "It is the other half of the prophecy, yes.. a young woman of black of hair parted by a streak of old Valyrian white, an eye of brown and another of purple, skin as pale as snow with lips and cheeks of rose."

"Unhand her!" demands Jace as his blade rings when it is pulled out of its harness.

I stop him before he could get the chance to defend me. "No" I protest with pressed brows, "I've seen her before.... in the dreams I have that replays Lucery's death. She stood there watching as I cried in the storm.."

The old lady snickers and places her hands on my face, "Listen to me, child. You must fight for what the fire burning deep inside your soul burns for. Do not ignore it. For the cause of it shall create a new generation. Let go of the past as your future needs you."

I panic as I try to find the words to say. "What do you mean?" I beg and reach for her hand as she walks away. Yet, I am too late. For the wrinkled woman steps out into the street and swiftly slices her sharp blade across her throat.

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