Chapter 1: the train boy

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rileys POV:

I am sitting on a bench reading, waiting for my train to get here. Every weekend, i go to new york to see my dad but i live in boston with my mom. After 15 minutes, i hear my train. I get up and go inside and sit in my normal seat. I look to the seat across from me and there he is, the train boy. Ive seen him every weekend for a year and a half, but ive never gotten the idea to talk to him. This time, hes here with two other boys. They all kind of look alike. One of them is very loud though, he laughs a lot and literally yells when he talks. I turn the music up on my headphones so i dont hear anything. After 3 hours, i finally get to new york. I gather my things and i start walking out. As im walking out, one of the boys walks up to me.

"hey uhm, do you know like a taxi station thats near here?" the boy asks me, looking at me.

"uhm yeah, just go to the left and then to the right and you'll see one in front of you" i say, smiling softly

"okay, thanks" the boy says, walking back to the train boy and the other boy

we walk in a different direction and i walk to my dads house

matts POV/train boys POV:

i hit chris' arm really hard as we walk away, he rubs his arm and giggles

"I TALKED TO HER BEFORE YOU DID" chris yells at me, i hit the back of his head

"SHHH YOU DUMB FUCK" i whisper yell at him "i told you not to talk to talk to her." i say, looking forward

"too bad dumbass" chris says

"next time, im only bringing nick with me" i say as i walk in front of them and flip chris off

"SEE IM THE FAVORITE" nick yells at chris

they start bickering behind me until we get to the taxi station. We get in a taxi and we get to the Air BNB.


rileys POV:

I open the door and come inside, i put my things down and yell for my dad.

"DAD IM HERE!" i yell, the silence breaks as i hear my dad come down the stairs

"hey there kiddo!" my dad says walking over to me and hugging me, also ruffling my hair

"are you okay?. you seem tired" i say, tilting my head slightly

"well, theres something that happened" my dad says

"okay, whats up" i ask him, getting a class of water

"well, do you remember tiana?. Well, she was kind of seeing someone else while we were dating so, i broke up with her." my dad says, sitting on the stool on the aisle

i choke on my water "what?!" i say through a bunch of coughs

"hey, its fine." my dad says

"no the fuck its not. its not fine" i say angrily

"shes fine, im fine, its fine." my dad says

"okay.." i say

my dad and i go out to eat, when we are going back home, my dad and i just talk to random things.

"okay, i have a question" my dad asks me, looking at the road.

"shoot!" i say while scrolling on instagram

"do you have a boyfriend, or girlfriend perhaps?" my dad asks me

"oh, yeah i have a boyfriend. His name is tom hes 65 years old, i think im gonna marry him" i say in a sarcastic tone

"haha very funny, no tell me the truth" my dad says, looking at me strictly for a moment

"well, i had a girlfriend for like 2 months but she broke up with me cause her parents didnt like me. I didnt really care though, i cried for like 5 minutes and then got over it" i say chuckling

"oh, okay" my dad says

i came out as bi when my parents were together, so 2 years ago. My dad approved of it, he was really supportive. My mom however, she just gave me a 2 hour lecture and then her and my dad fought for another hour and a half. She learned how to deal with it after a while. 

"was your mom mad?" dad asks me chuckling

"oh yeah, she was pissed as hell." i say laughing a little

"what'd she say?" my dad asks me

"she said that i should re think my decision and that i should date a guy. Shes the most homophobic bitch ive ever met." i say, still looking at my phone

"dont call your mother that." my dad yells at me

"im sorry! its true!" i say, putting my phone down and looking at him

"still." my dad says

"fine, sorry" i say, looking out the window "oh wait, do you wanna know about how she fought with the doctor after i got diagnosed with anxiety?. its like a super funny story im sure you'd LOVE to hear." i say chuckling

my dad nods and i tell him every thing. every little detail. I love my dad, hes my bestest friend ever. The reason i dont live with my dad is because my mom got full custody meanwhile my dad got partial custody. It annoyed me so much because my mom had an argument for everything. I decide to tell my dad about the train boy even though i know hes gonna be saying some dumb shit about how i should talk to him.

"hey dad?. Theres this boy that comes here on weekends in like the same train as me and he always like sits across from me. Ive been seeing him there for the past year and a half and ive like never  talked to him, or tried to even." i just ramble

"is he cute?. do you like him?. does he like look at you?. does h-" i cut my dad off

"no dad, i dont like him, he doesnt look at me, and he is KIND of cute. just a little" i say looking at him

"do you have like a picture of him or something?" my dad asks me

"nope, but he has like brunette hair and blue eyes" i say, looking at the road

"okayyyy" my dad says

we get home and i go to bed after the long ass day i had.

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