Chapter 8: confession

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I wake up to my mom knocking on my door, i open it and see her with my dad and brother i jump up and hug them tight. I then get dressed for the party but i use my baggy jeans and black t-shirt i stole from nick. I help my mom get the party ready. And i get my sister dressed. I then hear a knock on the door, i open it to see matt, nick and chris standing there. I hug nick and chris and just ignore matt. My sister runs out of her room in her little blue dress with flowers and her toy bunny. she loves the triplets. She looks at them like they're her siblings

"CHRIS, NICK, MATT" she yells running to them and hugging their legs.

i laugh at her actions, she loves them more than me. They all come inside and nick and chris help with the food and matt and i help decorating. My little cousins and my sisters friends are coming and its a tea party. Its really cute. Hannah is stuck to matts side since she saw him most because i hung out with him more. when i try to carry hannah away, she holds onto matts leg

"hannah stop holding on to matts leg and go play with marshmallow and barley. after we finish decorating you can play with matt al you want" i say sternly

hannah plays with barley and marshmallow and waits for her friends. We finish decorating and we hang out in the living room after. Matt and i avoided eachother and nick and chris were inbetween us. 

"uhm, we can go in my room if you guys want. Her friends are gonna be here and they're all three year olds." i say standing up

"oh, okay uhm. here, its for hannah" chris gives me a gift

"thank you" i say putting it on the gift table

we all go to my room and nick and chris go get drinks for us, leaving matt and i alone.

"im sorry" matt says

"its fine" i say sternly

"grace and i broke up if it makes you feel any better" matt says 

"okay" i say

matt sighs and as hes about to say something nick and chris come in the room with 4 cans of pepsi

"how the hell do you not have dr pepper?" nick says sitting down

"i dont know" i say without enthusiasm

"okay serious question ri, pepsi or coke?" chris asks me opening the can

"pepsi one hundred percent" i say opening my can

"okay we can still be friends, good"  chris says

i laugh and drink my pepsi. Then, my sister comes in the room

"sissy my friends are here and you said you were gonna do activities for us" hannah says smiling

"oh, okay lets go" i say standing up and the triplets follow after us.

i run to the living room and i play with the girls. i love kids so its easy for me to make activities for them. i can see matt smiling out of the corner of my eye, it makes me smile a little. I think our friendship will be fixed soon enough, we just need some time.

"okay girls its tea time so go to the table there and my mom will serve the tea" i say smiling

the girls run to the table and sit down, i smile back at matt and we all go to my room again. I plop down on my bed

"ugh i love kids" i say chuckling

"i can tell" chris says 

"hey guys? do you mind getting some more drinks?"  matt says

"yeah sure" nick says

chris and nick go downstairs and matt closes the door. He sits down next to me 

"uhm, i need to tell you something" matt says 

"okay, whats up" i ask

"i uhm- i like you" matt says

i look at him in shock "i just want to know if you feel the same" he says

"me too" i say 

"re-" matt gets cut off by nick and chris

"hannah is looking for you" nick says

"hold that thought matt." i say running downstairs

i put moana on the tv for the girls to watch. I then go upstairs to matt chris and nick

"can we sleep over?" chris asks pouting

"uhm, yeah! my mom wont mind and the girls are leaving soon." i say smiling

nick pauses when hes about to hug me "is that my shirt?" nick asks sternly

"uhhh, no" i say nervously

"thief" nick says crossing his arms

"come on nick you have 3 of these same shirts. please let me keep this one" i say pouting

"fine" nick says smiling

after the girls leave, we all go downstairs to the living room. I get 2 big air mattresses and fill them up so we can sleep in the living room.

"we're watching anabelle whether you guys like it or not" i say strictly

"RILEY NO!" nick yells

"sh! my mom and charlie and hannah are sleeping and if you guys get scared just cuddle up next to me and you'll be fine" i say

"fine" they say in sync

"okay matt and i will make the popcorn and you guys get the drinks" i say

they nod and matt and i go make the popcorn.

"did you mean it?" matt asks me

"what?" i ask confused

"that you like me too, did you mean it?" matt says

"yes" i say looking down

"okay..good" matt says smiling

we put the popcorn in the bowl and we sit down on the couch. every time a jumpscare comes up one of them grabs my arm and i laugh at them. i then lie down on the mattress that im sharing with nick. I wake up in the middle of the night, its pitch dark. I get up and go to the kitchen to get water, as im walking back to the mattress i bump into someone, matt. he puts his hands on my waist and moves me to the side

"sorry ri" he says in a raspy voice

i go back to bed shocked afterwards.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now