Chapter 15: happily ever after

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My mom got a lot better and shes out of the hospital. Her, charlie, the triplets, hannah and i are watching movies together, my head on matts shoulder.

"when's your guys' wedding?" my mom says eating popcorn

"in 10 years" i say sarcastically "mom im not getting married, not even if matt is the love of my life" i say giggling

"yeah and if i get married nick, chris and i have to get married the same day." matt says

"aww cute" i say sarcastically "oh did i tell you guys that i got the manager promotion at my job"

"oh yeah? how much do you make" chris asks

"rude. i make 20 dollars an hour" i say hitting chris 

"you're gonna be rich" nick says "are you gonna move out?" 

"hmm no, mom needs me." i say grinning

"true, shes my favorite daughter" my mom says 

"mom hannah is here" i say laughing

"she asleep" mom says

"oh okay" i say 

"guys we have to go" chris says

"nooo why? dont leave me alone with these boomers" i say pouting

"sorry babe, see you tomorrow" matt says kissing me

"bye" i say pouting

"lovebirds" my mom mumbles

"oh shush mom, im going to bed" i say "goodnight"

"night hon" my mom says

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now