Chapter 5: the big day

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~the next day~

I wake up to my dad shaking me 

"honey wake up, someones here to see you" my dad says smiling

i get up to see my brother in the doorway, i gasp and jump on him hugging him

"i missed youuuu" i say in a raspy voice

"me too!!! its the big day, im really excited" my brother says

"oh i forgot to ask you guys something. is it okay if i bring matt?. i dont wanna go alone" i say sitting down

"the train boy?" my dad asks me grinning

"yes dad, the train boy." i say 

"woah, whose matt?" my brother asks smirking

"my best friend, can he come?" i ask pouting

my brother and dad nod

"but dad, please dont ask him if we're dating or anything, it'll make him uncomfortable. Plus, its embarrassing and its just a silly little crush" i say

"its not silly when you talk about him and to him every day." my dad says

"fine, just please dont embarrass me, both of you" i say

"yeah yeah" my brother says ruffling my hair "my little sister is growing up" my brother says dramatically

i giggle and i hear the doorbell ring, i run to see matt there

"what are you doing here?" i ask him confused

"you texted me telling me to come at 9 am" matt says

i look at my dad whose behind me grinning, i sigh and tell matt to come in.

"well hello train boy, im owen, rileys father" my dad says "you to are quite a cute couple might i add" my dad says shaking matts hand

"DAD!!!!" i yell at him

"we're not dating sir" matt says uncomfortably

"call me owen, and its a shame you two arent dating. you would be cute together" my dad says grinning

i see matt fidgeting with his fingers, ive got to put a stop to this now.

"dad stop it, its clearly making matt uncomfortable" i say standing next to matt

"okay, im sorry matt" my dad says putting his hand on matts shoulder

"its okay owen" matt says

my brother comes out of my room and walks towards us

"is this matt?" my brother asks

"yeah" i say 

"hi matt, im lucas, rileys older brother" my brother says

"uhm, nice to meet you" matt says

"so, are you an rile-" i cut my brother off

"and we are going to my room now" i say as i grab matts wrist and run upstairs to my room

"DOOR STAYS OPEN!" my dad yells

"YEAH OKAY" i yell back

my dad just said that as a joke, he doesnt care if i close the door. I close the door and sit down next to matt.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now