Chapter 11: first kiss

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~wedding day~

the triplets and i are at the wedding venue and we're getting ready in seperate dressing rooms. My dress is white and its silk. I curl my hair and do my light makeup. I go to the mirror thats outside the dressing room and look at myself with matt behind me

"i look so good" i say looking up at matt

"cocky much?" matt says chuckling

"shut up." i say laughing

"HONEY!" i hear my mom yell from her dressing room

"YEAH?" i yell back

my mom walks to the lobby "is your speech ready?" my mom asks

"yep, you're definitely going to cry" i say laughing

"yeah yeah, you look nice matt" my mom says

"thanks evelyn" matt says smiling

"okay are you ready?" my mom asks

"yep" i say

"okay, im walking down the aisle in 5 minutes so come honey" my mom says

"okay, bye matt" i say

"bye bye" matt says

i walk with my mom, im supposed to walk down the aisle with the flowers before her. Of course i get nervous because everyone will be looking at me. I calm down and i walk down the aisle when its my turn and i stand on the left. Then my mom walks down, i get kind of emotional but i hold it in. After that, we go to the after-party and i have to give my speech. i walk up on the little stage and go to the microphone.

"hi uhm, for those who dont know me yet i am riley uhm, the brides daughter and im gonna share a speech that ive made. So, my mother had me at 17, a year after my older brother was born. Of course it was hard for her since she wasnt even an adult but she managed. She lived at my grandparents house and she treated my brother and i with all the love and kindness that she could give us. Shes always tried her best to give us the best life. Including my dad who also helped her. My mom has been the most supportive and caring mother i could ever ask for, these 19 years my mom has always tried to make me happy and she has made me the best person i could ever be. Even when we have our ups and downs, we always make up. My mom has been my bestest friend for these past 19 years, sorry nick, chris and matt but its the truth." i hear the audience laugh as i chuckle "uhm, thanks for everything mom, i love you" i say emotionally as everyone claps.

i go down from the stage and hug my mom whose crying, i then sit at the table where the triplets are. 

"im offended." i hear nick say dramatically

"im sorry i love you" i say sadly

"which one of them are you dating?" my cousin asks

"im dating their older brother, justin." i say sarcastically as nick and chris laugh "no im kidding, im dating the one thats blushing like crazy" i say pointing at matt

"shut up riley" matt says laughing

"nope" i say giggling

another slow song starts playing

"can we please please please dance?" matt begs

"fine." i say "i hate you"

"thanks i love you too" matt says smiling

we dance with my arms wrapped around his neck and his hand his on my waist, im looking away from him.

"for the love of god please look at me" matt whisper chuckling

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now