Chapter 14: fight

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~a day later~

thee triplets and i went to eat together, after matt dropped chris and nick off at their house and we go to my house after. We watch movies in my room.

"you look happy" matt says

"maybe because i am" i say smiling

"hm, you're never that happy with me." matt says looking at me dramatically

"oh shush im the happiest with you, dumbass" i say smiling

"yeah, well" he mumbles "any other weddings?" matt asks eating popcorn

"yeah my great great uncles wedding" i say sarcastically

"you're probably not invited" matt says

"hey! a party isnt a party if im not there" i say rolling my eyes

"mhm" matt mumbles

matt starts filming a tiktok and he just talks and i throw popcorn in my mouth.

"DID YOU SEE THAT?!" i yell hitting his arm a lot

"yes i did" matt says coldly

"why are you being so dry" i ask

"im not" matt says

"yeah you are" i say

"riley just because im talking doesnt mean im being dry, im not always gonna talk with enthusiasm" matt says angrily

"sorry" i say lying back down

"now i have to start the video all over again because of you" matt says grabbing his phone

"why are you so mad matt? i was just excited, im sorry" i say

"im not fucking mad riley! im not!" matt says angrily

"matt yes you are! dont you hear yourself right now?" i say sitting up

"riley dont just assume shit! im leaving i dont want to be here" matt says getting up

"matt im sorry dont leave" i say looking at him

"bye riley" matt says

matt leaves and i just sit there wondering why hes so mad, i didnt do anything at all, i dont know what i did though. I hear someone knock on my door and i open it, its matt.

"im sorry, i was in a bad mood because chris and i had a fight and i took it out on you" matt says

"its fine" i say

"you sure?" matt says

"im sure babe, dont worry." i say smiling

"oh my god thank you thank you thank you i thought you were gonna leave me" matt says hugging me

"hm, no you'd have to fight with nick for me to leave you" i say giggling

"noted" matt says "lets finish the movie"

"i finished the popcorn though" i say holding the bowl up "and i finished the movie myself

"lets go live then, we can tell people if you want" matt says

"yeah sure" i say

matt grabs his phone and sets it up on my nightstand lamp, before he goes live i get up and look for my claw clip. He goes live on instagram and just talks

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now