Chapter 2: finally

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rileys POV:

I grab my things and say goodbye to my dad, i walk to the train station where i see the boys from yesterday. No surprise. We get on the train and i sit down in my normal seat. Every seat has 4 seats since the train is kinda big, and the train was really packed today. I sit down in my normal seat until the boys come up to me, one of the others starts talking to me so i take out my headphone

"do you mind if we sit here?" the boy asks

"uhm, go ahead, i dont mind" i say, putting my headphone back in

the one that ive always seen on the train sits down next to me and the other two sit down on the other end

i can tell the train boy is nervous cause he keeps biting his nails. He speaks up and i take my headphone off, again.

"uhm, whats your name?" he asks me as he looks at me

"riley, whats yours?" i ask looking at him too

"matt" he says smiling a little "oh and these are my triplet brothers, chris and nick." he says pointing at them a little

"oh, cool." i say

"matt is always talking about y-" chris tries to say but matt squeezes his arm, meaning he needs to stop talking.

chris shuts up and i just put my headphones away.

"took you 1 year and a half to talk to me, just thought id remind you." i say jokingly

"i had no idea." matt says shaking his head, smiling 

"finally" i mumble

"hm?" matt asks looking at me

"nothing" i say

The train stops and we all go our seperate ways. Waving goodbye. I of course didnt expect nick, matt, chris and i to become best friends. Like at all. I get to my dads house and i tell him everything that had happened, he just gives me advice.

"well uhm, i have to tell you something" my dad says, scratching the back of his neck

"yeah?" i ask, sitting down on the couch

"uhm, ive gotten a uhm, girlfriend" my dad says

"really?!. thats good, i guess. whats her name?" i ask him, totally schocked

"her name is alyssa, shes 34 so a year younger than me and shes really really nice." my dad says

i was sad on the inside, of course i didnt want my dad to be alone. But he had me!, and i dont want him to get heartbroken again. But i mean, just seeing the way he talks about her, i didnt want him to think i disapprove. i just have to wait to meet her.

"and more thing" my dad says, he talks again before i can even speak. "we're getting married in 2 weeks

my jaw drops to the ground "HUH?!" i yell, totally shocked. "but how long have you been dating her?!" i ask, completely shocked

"uhm, ive been with her for like 4 months?, but i think im ready to get married again" my dad says smiling

", i think its too early. i mean, did she force you into it?" i ask

"no!. not at all!" my dad says

"fine..." i say "im going to go to my room. I need to sleep." i say

my dad tries to say something else but i run off to my room upstairs. I check my phone and see i got a DM from matt sturniolo saying "do you want to hang out?". i answer yes and we agree to meet at a coffee shop 5 minutes away from my house. I put on an oversized white t-shirt with beige cargo pants and my spider man converse i designed. I just put a sticky note on the counter saying that ill be out and i leave. I put my hair in a claw clip and i wait for matt at a little booth in the corner. I see matt walk up to me and sit in front of me.

"hi" matt says

"hey" i say smiling a little, putting my phone away.

matt and i talk a lot and find out we have a lot in common. I then see chris and nick and i just burst out laughing as i see them sit at a table in front of ours, acting like the were....spying?. Matt sees them and laughs with me.

"leave right the fuck now" matt says, slapping their arms and laughing

"NO" chris yells

"chris be quiet" i say "they can stay, i mean, i dont really care" 

"bu-. fine." matt says and sits down. Nick sits down next to me and chris sits down next to matt. 

"how old are you?" nick asks me as he drinks his water

"im 19, my brithday is august 2nd." i say, smiling a little

"NO WAY. OUR BIRTHDAY IS AUGUST 1ST" chris yells again 

"chris shut the fuck up before we get kicked out" nick says

"i can tell hes the younger sibling just by looking at him." i say, rolling my eyes sarcastically

"do you have any siblings?" matt asks me

"yep, i have an older brother whose in college and a 2 year old sister." I say, going on my phone and showing them pictures

"shes so cute" matt says

"how old is your brother" nick asks me, literally admiring the picture

"nick first of all, calm down, the picture isnt going anywhere. Second of all, hes a year older than me, hes 20" i say

chris, matt and i all laugh at nicks reaction

"what hes hot" nick says giggling

"sorry nick, hes engaged" i say sighing "the fiancée's an asshole though, wish you could date him but oh well" i say shrugging

"do you have a boyfriend" chris asks me, smirking at matt

"yep. His name is james and hes like what, 40?." i say

they all just gasp

"im kidding you dumb fucks" i say giggling "i dont have a boyfriend or girlfriend"

"huh?" nick says looking at me

"oh, im bi." i say smiling a little "i had a girlfriend for a few months, she broke up with me cause her parents hated me so much"

"oh" they all say in sync

we all giggle and talk a lot. we then go to our houses.

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