Chapter 12: the call

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Matt and i are walking on the sidewalk together at 7 pm. i had to wake him up and now hes mad at me.

"matt are you gonna walk faster" i ask looking at him

"no, i dont want to talk to you" matt says grumpily

"you're so annoying right now" i say "come on matt im about to throw you in the pool"

"can we go to the house, please?" matt says sleepily

"fine come on" i say

i take matt back to the house and take him to my room "go to bed now" i say sitting down on the bed

"come here" matt says opening his arms

i jump on top of him and hug him as he hugs me back

"i miss my mom, i need her here" i say whining

"youre such a mommys girl" matt says giggling

"am not!" i say hitting him

"you are, admit it" matt says

"im mad at you now" i say trying to get out of his grip

"no no no you're not a mommys girl" matt says holding me

"fine" i say

i get off of matt and go on my phone, my mom hadnt responded to me since she left and im getting kind of worried , but at the same time shes probably just having fun. I get a call from a hospital and i answer.

"hello, is this Riley Jenkins?" a random woman says

"uhm, yes hello, what do you need?" i ask sitting up

"sorry to tell you this but your mom got in a plane accident yesterday and shes in a comma" the woman says

"what?! wait what about charlie is he okay?!" i say choking on my tears

"yes charlie is concious but his injuries are very serious" the woman says

"uhm, what hospital is it?" i ask crying

"mass general hospital" the woman says

"okay ill be there" i say

before the woman can say anything im up from the bed and im putting my shoes on, matt sits down on the floor with me worriedly

"calm down babe! what happened?!" matt asks softly

"t-the plane mom and charlie were in cr-crashed" i say standing up and running downstairs

matt follows after me "what?! do you want me to drive you to the hospital?" matt asks

"yes yes! just let me get uhm, let me get hannah" i say running into her room and carrying her

i run to matts car and put hannah in the backseat and i sit in the passenger seat crying and shaking. matt starts driving holding my hand.

"is she okay? is charlie okay?" matt asks driving

"moms in a comma and charlie is in bad condition" i say crying

"sissy why are you crying?" hannah asks 

"mom is in the hospital han, ill explain later but were going to see her now" i say crying

we get to the hospital and i run inside as matt has hannah in his arms. He goes after me. I go to the front desk. I ask for my mom and charlie and i go to the waiting room to see my dad and brother sitting down. they both hug me.

𝐓𝐑𝐀𝐈𝐍 𝐁𝐎𝐘, 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now