The King's Survival Plan

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" Thank you for your purchase sir! " The man grab the things he purchased without taking his eyes off his phone. Woah! It's getting exciting!

The man walk out of the convenience store still not caring on what's happening around him. He was even surprised when he found him self on the pedestrian line already.

Well , that was fast. Said the guy to him self as he look at the sign then back to his phone.

The sign turn green so he started to cross the street with the other people.

He was still on his phone while crossing the street, minding his own business , reading a novel in his phone while wearing a headset and playing a music.

The story is getting interesting more and more so he walk in a slower pace.

Maybe, it's the feeling that you feel when you are watching or reading something interesting that you unintentionally stop what ever you are doing to focus more in it that push him to do the same.

The man stop walking and just read there. He can't hear anything because of the music. Actually he didn't pay attention to the music too.

His to busy reading that everything seems to not exist anymore. It was just him and the story.

This is great!!. The man was smiling from ear to ear while reading the part where the villian was being sentenced to death when someone grab his hand.

He flinched out of shock and look at the person who did it. It was a woman in her early twenties, she was talking but it seems that he cannot hear what she was saying.

What?. The man take off hisheadset to hear what she was talking about.

" What's the problem miss?" He ask. Annoyance can be heard from his tone.

" Would you mind paying attention when you are walking please ". Walking? .
The confused man look around and found his self in the middle of the pedestrian line.

Oh right! , I suddenly just stop. He thank the woman and say sorry when saw something in his peripheral vision.

He turn his gaze to it's direction only to found out an over speeding truck coming towards them. Fuck !

The next thing that happened was so fast .

All the man knew is that he push the woman away from him and the next thing is he was lying on the cold street already.

He groan from the immense pain he was feeling . What happened?

What the fuck happened to me?. I'm confused. People started to go all over the laying man. They was saying something but he can't hear it.

Soon, some medics came rushing to hi side too. Like the people they we're also talking about something but he can't hear them.

Am I dying? Why there's so many people though?

The man look straight up at theal vast starry night . They are so many star and there's no even a tiny bit of clouds .

Well, the night sky sure are amazing. He thought before closing his eyes


A newborn cry eco through out the four corner of the room but no one seems to be happy about it.

" It's a boy " the old physician announce. But the news bring more gloom to the already gloomy room.

The physician want to say something but he can't seems to bring it up.

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