Prince of Disaster 1

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Knox just finish arranging his things inside the cabinet when he heard the door click, a sign that someone is opening the door from the outside.

He glance at who might  his roommate will be. As the door swung open a familiar boy with light orange hair enter the room.

He looks pretty occupied that he doesn't even see Knox who was a few meters away from him.

"Hi!" Greet Knox that frighten the boy that he throw the papers he was holding in the air.

"Ahhh!!" He shout as he put his hand over his chest from shock.

"Are you okay?" Ask Knox as he aid to the boy and start to pick up the papers that is now scattered on the floor.

The boy who still couldn't get over his shock was unable to answer Knox question.

He only regain his composure again after Knox handed him the papers and offer his hand to help him get up.

The boy was hesitant at first but he grab Knox hand after.

"I'm sorry if i scare you" apologize Knox as he scratch his nape.

"No it's fine, it was also my fault for not noticing you sooner" Apologize the boy that makes Knox expression sour

Why do he always apologize for the most simple things?

Knox just shrug his thought off and decided to just introduce his self.

"I'm Knox by the way, Knox Gray" He introduce as he handed his hand for a handshake.

The boy was quite confused for a second but he take Knox hand anyway.

"I'm Liam Granville" introduce the other as he shake hands with Knox.

Granville?? Never heard of such

"I see, I am from a collateral family of the Elwyn Duchy. The Duke took me in when he saw my potential and raise me to aid the young master" Answered Knox with a smile , trying to build up the same good guy  expression on the latter.

Unknowingly to him, the name Elwyn has this great effect on the boy as his eyes immediately lighten up in excitement.

"You mean master Kai?" Ask Liam. His eyes is glistening with curiousity and admiration that makes Knox question of what have the young master of Elwyn did for someone to admire him like the young Granville.

"Yes, and it looks like you quite knew him" Replied Knox.

"Of course i do! He was such an icon for us from the lower grade!!" Exclaimed Liam as he began narrating how much he admired the young lord of the Elwyn.

Knox on the hand was quite taken a back with the boy sudden burst of cheerfulness.

What the heck did Kai do?

"He was so majestic that the gloomy weather instantly turn into bea-"

"How about you tour me around our house instead" cut off Knox as he start to push Liam who was still talking on how majestic and holy Kai is.

   "This is the dining hall. This is where we have breakfast and dinner. For lunch you can eat at the campus cafeteria" Explained Liam as he slightly open the huge door that leads to the dining hall.

The two then began to walk towards the end of the hall where a more smaller but more well crafted table was place. It consist of five chairs in total.

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