Uprising 1

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"Mister Winston, glad meeting you again" Knox greeted happily to the owner of the jewelry shop where he first sold the blue diamond.

The man who was comfortable seating on the long sofa inside Knox office immediately put down his teacup and stand up to greet the young lord back.

"Greetings my lord" He greet as he place his right hand in his chest and bow slightly to Knox.

Knox just smile at him and signal him that it was enough. The two then sit in front of one another. Knox on the single sofa and mister Wilson at the long one.

"So I believe you are here for the same reason i was thinking am i right?" Ask Knox as he cross his leg and elegantly took the cup of tea offered by the town chief.

"Yes i am my lord, but im afraid im still hesitant about such decision so i came here if your offering indeed worth such risk" Answer mister Winston as he drank his tea but maintening  an eye contact with the boy. Checking his expression.

But Knox expression didn't show anything than his usual innocent smile and his blank emotionless gray eyes.

"So you came for some clarification about the business i was offering?" Knox ask back with the same smile on his face.

"Yes, indeed i am. I'm not doubting your capabilities my lord but i am just rather being careful, after all a reckless person tend to die fast" Replied Mister Winston as he examine Knox expression but like before he saw no change at all.

"Of course you have every right Mister Winston. Perhaps you want to visit the mine to check for your self?" Offered Knox as the smile on his a glinche of emotion pass through his emotionless eyes as he  drank from his cup of tea and examine the man's expression.

"And why don't we also visit the workshop as we are already there. Although I'm afraid it was quite messy there" Added Knox.

The man didn't reply for a second as he drank the remaining tea on his cup before putting it down to face Knox .

"What a lovely idea my lord" Answered the man with a smile on his face.

Knox also smiled back at him as he also put down his tea cup

"Great!, shall we then?" He questioned as he stand up and fix his clothes. The man in front of him also stand up and fix his clothes and out his hat back on his head that was once before laying on the coffee table.

The two then get out of Knox's office with the same goal of examining the mine and workshop for the day. They ride a simple  carriage prepared by the town chief. The ride was not that long as the mine was only a little at the top of the town.

"Welcome to the blue diamond mine Mister Winston!" Present Knox as he show his guess the way to the mine as soon as they get down.

Many people was there working, both knights and a few town folks. They are either transporting rocks or the mineral it self.

A few tent was set up in front of the tunnel that serve as the quarters of the workers and one for Knox.

"I'm impressed you manage to develop such mine is a short period of time my lord"  Compliment Mister Winston as he impresily look at the mine entrance.

Knox just reply with a soft laugh as he turn to where the mind is.

"I put quite a lot of effort to develop it mister Winston. I'm glad you are satisfied with the results" Answered Knox.

The two then approach one of the worker carrying a bucket full of minerals. Knox sign him to put the bucket down and the worker did so.

"Is this the raw gem looks like?" Ask Mister Winston as he pick one small blue colored rock from the bucket.

"Yes it was. But it was quite hard to mine as it was hard and only comes in small sections" Answered Knox as he also pick one from the bucket.

"Oh! I'm amaze this piece of rock was a new type of gemstone. How do you refine it anyway my lord?" Ask Mister Winston as he turn his head towards Knox.

"Oh, the people of Belvon was quite good artisan. They are mostly the one in charge of the workshop. Perhaps you want to check?" Ask Knox as he put down the rock back to the bucket and the man followed he then sign the worker who was carrying the bucket to continue on his way.

The two then discuss about business as they are heading back to the carriage. They talk about it until they reach the workshop who was only a down below of the mine.

"This is the workshop Mister Winston. But as you can see it was rather small and not that good looking. We are still in the process of building it but we lack both the money and the man power to continue" Explain Knox as they enter the said workshop.

Mister Winston on the other hand was busy glancing at the few artisan working on the workshop.

"There is only three artisan here my lord?" He muttered that make Knox stop and turn around.

"Ah yes it was, we can't afford to recruit more artisan because of the lack of money. As you are aware, Belvon was the poorest town there is in the eastern territory and the addition of bandits who frequently harass the people make it harder for them. When i first come here the environment was not good at all and so i decided to focus first on improving my people's livelihood before anything else" Explained Knox that gains the heart of the man.

"You are such a good lord my lord even dispite your young age" Commented the man.

Knox just reply with a weak smile before they proceed on their tour around the workshop. It was already sunset when the two came back down the village.

"I'm still hesitant about investing in your business but the tour give me the impression that i was looking for" Said Mister Winston as he face Knox who was bidding him goodbye.

"I will surely give  the reply after a week my lord. But don't worry, as i have a feeling it will be to your liking" Lastly said Mister Winston.

"I assure you Mister Winston, you won't regret investing in our business. I will make sure to make it blossom for the both of us" Knox replied as he offered a hand shake.

The man took his hand and they shake hands like business partners. Knox then bid his goodbye to the man as he enter his carriage.

"Looks like you manage to gain his trust?" Said a familiar voice beside Knox as he watch the carriage disappear from the distance.

"You know me well Rosh. I have my ways with things" Replied Knox not sparing a glance at the man beside him.

"Hmm? Do you?" Tease Rosh as he glance at the boy beside him.

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