The King's Survival Plan

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"Ha.. ha.. ha.. " The boy was panting heavily and his knees is about to give up. But he can't afford to stop running because if he did all that awaits his is his own grave.

He look behind him only to see the raging bull slowly decreasing the distance between them. Crap!

The boy tried to run faster but he doesn't have any strength anymore.

Fuckshit!!. What's wrong with this world?!. This is the third time this happened to me this week!!.

The boy look back again and the bull is just inches away from him. Fuck!. He tried to run faster surpassing his limit again but still not enough.

The boy feel relief when he saw the familiar bottom of a cliff up ahead. Finally!. I'm back!!. Once again the boy push his limit again and run much faster.

Okay i can do it!. He jump when he was about to hit the hard wall and manage to grab at the hanging root not to far from him.

The boy then started to climb using the hanging root. He look down to see the bull bumping it's head against the rock wall. Trying to shake him off.

Idiot. He the continue climbing until he reach a solid platform halfway the big cliff.

The platform was big enough to at least build a small hut. There's also a tree composed of big intertwined vines forming it .

Under the tree was a curved intertwined vines that create a little vine like cage which the boy use as his new house .

The boy catch up his breath first before deciding to enter the little cage. It's not that spacious but it's also not that small for a single person to live there.

The boy let go of a sigh when he saw how messy his little home is . He then decided to start cleaning.

Every thing change in a span of a month. The boy, who use to wander around the forest not minding about danger now was stuck in this place.

The forest that he once knew completely change in a matter of a month. The places where he usually hang out from time to time was now a complete mess.

The stream that he use as his bath place was nowhere anymore. Some two headed snake thought it will be fun building it's nest in the middle of it.

The hill where he use to practice the technique in years is now a big ants house.

The place where he use to plant his lovely potatoes was been dug out by a big and scary bunny. Causing the boy to lost most of his precious potatoes.

Gladly he manage to save some to replant. But of course the boy also got lucky when he found a water bottle from the old hut. It was made of steel so it doesn't set on fire.

The boy's only problem was that it doesn't restore that much water which is a total hustle. He need to at least get it full two times a day.

He was also left with only one cloth and he can't replant the potatoes at the rock platform. The boy can't plant it in the ground too because some wild boars will dug it out and eat it.

So the boy was left with no choice but to build little boxes and fill it with soil to serve as pots where he plant the potatoes again. And because he replant the potatoes the boy was left with nothing to eat.

That's lead him to eat wild berries and fruits. Sometimes he also go fishing?, more like stealing from the scary bears.

When the boy leave the cage it was already dark. He get a piece of cloth that now serve as his bag and open it. It was half full with various berries and fruits.

Guess this is for dinner again. It's not that he have a choice. Eat it or be picky and die because of starvation. That's the only option he can get.

The boy look at the dark and starry night while shoving berries in his mouth.

Still beautiful as ever, i see. The night sky was the only thing that seems normal in this world.

The boy the start reminiscing what has happened to him for the past months he live at the forest .First he thought magic didn't exist because of his failed attempts to awaken. But things change again when he healed miraculously after he did the feel-your-surrounding-thingy again.

The world was really full of surprises. The boy who once thought that he get rebirth in a fantasy world like in the books he read in his past life and will lead a beautiful life in a new world . But then reality hit him with his own failure.

Then when he already lost hope, destiny decided to ' help him' again by miraculously healing him. Giving back the hope the boy once lost.

But there's a little twist. He can only use it once a day and oh!, there's more. Because the one who use to abuse him died, faith decided to hire a knew one.

And here he is . Stuck in this hanging platform with unknown super creature surrounding him.

That was the boy's thought. He wants to scream and punch who ever was behind his reincarnation but he couldn't.

The god really love seeing me suffer don't he?. He was so afraid to see me living peacefully after the death of the ones that use to annoys me so he immediately send more mother fucker to makes my life more miserable.

But what can i do?, I'm just a mere child trying to survive in this fuck up place. Full of fuck up people with the fuck up faith and god making it more hard to survive.If there even god existing in this world.

The boy shove the last one of the berries in his mouth and decided to retire for the night. He set fire on the fire place in the center that was made of clay. He don't actually use it in any purpose. It's for heating system only.

He lay in the cold stone ground and curled up to lessen the cold that he was feeling. It's quiet cold in there. Maybe it's because of the fact that he was in a high ground and there no trees to block the wind.

The boy close his eyes hoping to wake up in a great day tomorrow. Better be ,cuz lately i think im slowly losing my sanity because of the bullshit that keeps happening.

In the next morning the ' better day ' that the boy is hoping for never happened. Instead he was chase by a big bird while trying to get some water to drink.

Later that day the young man manage to get his self lost while trying to find some food to munch on. He then spend half of the day figuring his way back.

And when the boy finally get back home he was greet by some purple monkeys destroying his home.

He then spend another two hours chasing the monkeys away while trying to protect the newly sprouted potatoes that he plants from falling off the cliff.

For the rest of the remaining time before dawn the young man was forced to replant the potatoes that he manage to save.

Now the boy is questioning his self on how can he survived in such fuck up place for another day again.

The poor young child has nothing anymore on him but a half full water bottle, two newly planted potatoes and some fruits that wasn't even enough for him.

Better day my ass. I only feel suffering today. And for sure for the days that will come too

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