The King's Survival Plan

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" Is this all Ester?. Make sure you don't forget anything you punk! " Just leave you old geezer.

" Yeah!, It's all in there! " Soon the child hear the door shutting. Finally! .The child open his eyes and the old and dusty ceiling greet  him.

Those idiot is at it again. Every time the servant leave after feeding and change me . They always leave a bread and some foods that i believe they snuck out somewhere.

Then those two bastards will snuck in here ang get it. So every time the servant go to check what they leave all they can finds are some crumps. The young child let go of a deep sigh.

The child chuckled upon remembering the servants faces when they discovered that the food they snuck was nowhere to be found.

They even put another lock in the door to make sure no one will get the food again. 
His chuckled turn into a loud laugh when he witnessed that the lock didn't even prevent the thieves.

But the child laughter faded when he was reminded what the effects of those thieves on him.  Why am i even laughing? I was starved because of them!

He still remember how he  was forced to go outside again and eat berries because of those thieves that annoyed the servants. Why I am suffering from the crime i didn't even commit?!

No, they didn't!. Those two bastards didn't even go here this past week!. I feed my self you fuckers!!!.

He sit down and hold on the cradle railings to stand up. Then the child look around to check if the duo really left already.

There gone. He slowly get down the crib and started to wander around the hut. I was one year old now if im correct.

Im a pro at crawling and can even walk a few step now on my own. He proudly compliment his self.

While smiling like idiot  something  cought  his eye something . He crawled toward the said  object to check . He struggles quite a bit to sit down.

What's that?.  He was pretty sure nothings there before . The child  grip in one of the table's leg and use it to guide his self to stand.

Oh, it's a book!.  The kid tried to get it but it was heavy. Let's try again and put a little more strength on my hands.

He pull it again towards him with all my strength. Just a little bit more!!.

A loud thud eco through out the small hut.
There you can see an open book and a young child trying not to cry because it hit him.

Goddamn it!!. That's hurt!. He thought as he continue to massage his toe that the book hit.

Now im regretting getting that fucking book.  He wiped the tears from his eyes while still cursing the innocent book. That's really hurt like hell!.

He  glared at the book that was lying not to far from him. As if he was ready to kill it.

"Am bat ok ( dumbass book ) " He cursed but in turn out to be something rather funny because of the way he said it.

He then started to crawl towards the book and sit when he get in front of it.  Well, I'm mad but my curiosity is driving me crazy

There's some weird writing in the book that make the child frowned. What this?

His eyes widened when the weird symbols started to move from its own. The heck?!. Is this thing haunted or something?!.

The child immediately let go of the book and take a few steps away from it. 

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