The King's Survival Plan

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The boy turned around when sun light hit his face.

"Ummm..."Why does it so bright?

The boy go back to sleep again, feeling the softness of his bed.

Wait? What?!

Upon realizing he doesn't have a bed the boy immediately wake up only to be greeted by two crimson eyes.

His body frost from its post when he meet it. The same eerie feeling from before envelope him again.

His heart once again forgot how to do it's work. So those his knees are.

The boy start having hard time breathing again and his vision is starting to get blurry because of it.

He gasp his heart and cold sweat started to form in his forehead. He was slowly losing his consciousness.

Crap! I can't afford to faint here!!

Left with no choice the boy use his remaining strength  he bang his head at the monster body that he was currently laying at.

By doing so he manage to get a hold of his self again.

Ugh! That hurts so bad!!

After regaining  his  senses back  the boy get up and run with his eyes close. He even even stumbled and roll when he get off the monster.

But the boy didn't care. All he care was to run away as far away from the monster.

But his knees once betrayed him again. He crush on the ground, face first.


The boy slowly get up but all he can do was take a sit. His knees are shaking and numb at the same time.

Gladly the monster seems not to follow him. The boy sigh and open his eyes but once greeted again with something that almost give him a heart attack.

He was just inches away from hundreds of monster who was surrounding him. Out of instinct the boy close his eyes and block his arm for any up coming attack.

Fuck! It didn't occur to me that i will die pathetically.

To the boy's surprised he never felt any pain.

Did i die already? But why didn't i felt even the slightest pain? Does it mean, I die painlessly?

He slowly his open his eyes to check and was shock when he found out he was actually unharmed.

The monster didn't attack . They where just there standing, not moving an inch at all. As if they were statues but alive and breathing.


Dumb founded from what was happening, the boy just stare at the monster who wasn't moving.

Fuck? Are they dead?

After a few minutes of dozing off the boy finally get a hold of his self. He then look back at the giant black wolf who was laying in the center then back to the frozen monster.

He then gulp and turn around. He start crawling back at where the big black wolf was.

After reaching midway, the change his direction and crawled to the nearest tree from him.

This should be enough. Halfway from the wolf and halfway from the monster.

He struggle for a bit to sit down but he manage it after a few try. The boy let go of a deep sigh as he watch the wolf and the monster from his opposite side.

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