Chapter Seventeen

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"Where is he at?" I asked myself

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"Where is he at?" I asked myself.

I got up and grabbed my phone off the table. Zac was supposed to meet me at the house after I got off of work. I was in so much pain I barely made it through the day. But I didn't want to come home early because I knew Zac would still be here and that would force me to have a conversation with him that I am not ready to have.

The day is damn near over and I still don't know what I'm gonna say to Zac. What is there to say? I'm pregnant and we're either ready or we're not. But I've had an abortion before and I don't wanna go through that again. Especially because the circumstances were so bad between my ex Ian and I. Luckily, Zac is so much different from him. He's supportive and he really loves me. So I know whatever I decide to do, he'll stand by my side.

"Hey baby." I hear as the door opens.

I turn around and see Zac walking in. A smile formed on my face as he held up a Tiffany & Co gift bag.

"For me?" I ask softly.

"Of course baby." He pecked my lips and handed me the bag. "I was thinking about you all day." He admitted.

I do my head and sit down on the couch. I put the bag on the coffee table. Zac looked at me confused and pointed at the bag.

"You gonna open it?" He asked.

"Let's talk first." I suggest.

Zac sighed, "I thought the gift would steer us away from this talk." He said in disappointment.

"I know." I say softly laughing. "But you know we need to talk about it.."

"Look I'm just trying to figure out how I really feel," Zac admitted. "That's why I've been avoiding this." He said.

"I know and I feel the same way. But we can't avoid this because another life is involved and we don't have time to put this on the back burner." I tell Zac.

"Do you wanna have a baby? Right now?" Zac asked me.

"I don't know Zac. I don't." I truthfully answer. "I'm not ready to be a mom and you already have-"

"I don't know if those are my kids yet!" Zac practically yelled as he stood up. "And why does that matter? I don't love either of them. I love you!" Zac said.

"It's one thing to have a baby but it's another thing to have a baby by someone you really love." He added on. "Fatima I will do anything for you. Even if that means stepping up as a father, whether I'm ready or not." He said.

I sighed deeply and sat back on the couch. My heart was still beating slightly faster than normal.

"I just-- I'm scared Zac." I confess out loud.

"And that's okay." Zac said sitting back down. "We can be scared together cause that's better than being scared alone." He said.

"You think so?" I ask laying my head on his shoulder.

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