I look in the mirror and my heart drops
Though everyone says I'm just thinking something I'm not
I take a second glance
all because I want to give myself the chance
but the figure staring back is unforgivable
these are the moments I wish were more forgettable
I am seeing something everyone else does not
I look at myself and see everything but hot
"Maybe if I just skip one meal" I think
It takes me back to the past with every blink
I don't want to make myself that Ill again
I really should just listen to my friends
They tell me I'm pretty
They tell me I'm hot
They tell me I'm skinny
I feel like I'm not
I look in the mirror and see a nightmare
To see like everyone else just seems fair
I dream at night of having a flat stomach
I suck in so much but it feels too fake
In the mirror I see more than I want
I want to feel perfect
I want to feel pretty
I want to feel good about my body
The beauty standard is anything but real
Makes girls today worry about how to feel
If only I could see what my friends say
Maybe then my mood wouldn't always be grey
I hope for the day where I feel perfect
To feel pretty
To feel skinny
To feel like enough
It would make life feel much less tough
To feel so confident would boost my mood
The thought to get there is to limit the food
I wish I could think of something better
When I see myself I see nothing positive
Not now
Not then
Not ever
teen thoughts.
PoetryI write poetry when I get bored. it's all just about my thoughts and what goes through my head that I can somewhat put into words.