2. Secret

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The streets were eerily deserted, unnervingly quiet. Nick and Charlie walked toward home, their steps a little more hurried than usual. It was barely past five o'clock but the darkness seeping from the shadowed houses felt oppressive.

As they turned onto River Crescent, a sudden rustle in the bushes made them both jump. Nick instinctively reached out to push Charlie behind him but then he saw the bright yellow eyes of a tabby cat blinking up at them. The tension drained from his shoulders as quickly as it had arrived.

Charlie wound his arm tighter around Nick's and they hurried toward number thirty-four.

When the front door of Nick's house came into view, it became very clear to both of them that the very last thing they wanted to do right now was be alone.

A look of mutual understanding passed between them.

"Come on," Nick breathed and let them both into the house.

The smell of his mum's homemade lasagne wafted from the kitchen into the hall, but for once, it did not fill Nick with anything other than nausea. He dropped his school bag at the foot of the stairs and sprinted to the downstairs toilet. He barely managed to lift the lid before he threw up spectacularly into the bowl.

A cool, slender hand stroked Nick's hair back from his sweaty forehead. He hadn't realised Charlie had followed so closely behind but was glad of his presence.

Charlie kissed Nick's shoulder, and was about to start tenderly rubbing his back when he jerked quickly away. Sarah Nelson's face had appeared in the doorway.

Nick felt the loss of Charlie's touch like a physical ache.

"Nicky?" Sarah exclaimed. "What's the matter? Are you ill?" She reached out to feel his forehead, eyebrows furrowed. "You don't feel particularly warm. Did you eat something funny?"

Nick shook his head absently, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.

Why had he thrown up?

He supposed he was in shock. He knew for sure however, that he now had an absolutely rancid taste in his mouth. He was just reaching toward the sink beside him when Charlie reappeared, a glass of water in hand.

"Oh," said Sarah in surprise. Then she smiled kindly. "Hello, Charlie. I didn't realise you were coming over."

"Oh, um... sorry Mrs Nelson. I can -- I can go --"

Nick swallowed his gulp of water. "No!"

Both Sarah and Charlie looked around at him in alarm. Nick had not meant to speak so loudly but honestly, the thought of being separated from Charlie right now made him feel like he was going to be sick again.

"I --"

"Nicky, are you sure you're alright?"

He took another sip of water.

"I'm -- I'm fine. I just -- please." Nick could hear the plea in his own voice but couldn't control it, despite the increasing concern on his mum's face. Confusion he could not appease. "Please can Charlie stay here tonight?"

Sarah sighed. "Really? On a school night? Come on, Nicky, you know better."

"Please, Mrs Nelson," Charlie spoke up. "I won't be any bother."

Sarah looked from her son sitting on the tiled floor, to the sweet boy looking down at her from the doorway. Nick wondered whether she could see the same haunted look in his eyes that he could see in Charlie's.

She sighed again but then said, "Fine. But only on the condition that you actually sleep. No talking, no video games. And make sure you let your parents know where you are, Charlie. We don't want them to worry."

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