10. Broken

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When Charlie had not turned up to form that morning, Nick had been about ready to ditch the rest of the day and go straight over to the Springs' house and demand that Jane let him in. He knew this was probably not the healthiest idea he'd ever had so he merely spent the first period daydreaming about his daring escape rather than actually going through with it.

This had been better than the alternative: to allow his mind to wander through all the possibilities as to what might be up with Charlie.

Because there was definitely something up.

Nick had been proud of himself when he made it all the way through first period without sending a single text to Charlie, knowing fully well it would go unanswered.

Over an hour was apparently too long for him to keep this up though because, during the crossing time before second period, scrolling through his camera roll once again, he could not stop himself from sending the Snow Day picture.

Nick stared at the photo as it sat unread in his text thread box. He gave himself a little mental shake and stuffed his phone back into his pocket.

It wasn't until he was sitting down in his next lesson that he felt his phone vibrate. Once, twice, six times in quick succession. Trying not to get his hopes up, Nick took his phone back out.

And suddenly, it was as if a physical weight had been lifted off his shoulders.

Did the room seem brighter?

NICK (10:02): Charlieeeeee!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

NICK (10:02): Don't worry about me, I'm just glad you're doing better ❤️ I knew you were having a bad day... I didn't know how to help 🙁

CHARLIE (10:03): i'm sorry i was so awful to you just cos i was feeling like shit

NICK (10:03): You weren't being awful in the slightest. You were just quiet and sleepy and sad.

NICK (10:03): Do you want to tell me about it?

Nick watched the ellipses with bated breath, waiting for Charlie to reply. Before he could however, Nick's teacher spied him across the room as he was about to begin the lesson.

"Phones away, please, Nick. You've already had several warnings yesterday, please don't make me give you a detention."

"Sorry, sir."

Nick slipped his phone under the desk and quickly typed:

NICK (10:04): Think about it? You don't have to. But I am your boyfriend and I do care ❤️ Let me know what you decide at break? Mr Bennett is giving me the evils...

An hour later, Nick hurried away from Sai, Christian and Otis, who were all looking as though they were about to drag him over to the playing field for a breaktime game of rugby.

He managed to avoid them spectacularly, and flopped down against his and Charlie's usual tree.

It felt a little odd to be sitting there alone, but he couldn't even hear any students nearby, let alone see them. All that went out of his mind however as he looked again at his phone --

CHARLIE (10:05): ❤️

NICK (11:01): Hi 🥰

CHARLIE (11:01): hi! 😘

CHARLIE (11:01): so... ready to hear my story? it's not particularly exciting

NICK (11:02): I want answers please! x

CHARLIE (11:03): so basically i fainted in latin and the nurse sent me home. it was super embarrassing but i honestly really needed the rest. i've been feeling pretty down for a while now and i suppose it all just sort of caught up with me. i basically slept all day yesterday which is why i didn't reply to you... i'm fine, i promise. i feel better now, especially since talking to you 😉❤️

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