4. Distraction

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Charlie went back to lessons that afternoon, his mind a lot clearer than it had been. But still, no more than fifteen minutes into fourth period, the dread was already creeping its way back in.

The words he had read on that piece of paper were seared into the back of his brain.

'I know where you live.'

This new information had driven any worry about Matt away, and now Charlie could barely concentrate on anything else but the fact that the shooter knew where Nick lived.

Where Sarah Nelson, the nicest lady in the world, lived.

Where Nellie, the nicest dog in the world, lived.

As the bell rang for the end of fourth period, Charlie's phone buzzed in his pocket.

MUM (14:29): Remember we have Oliver's parents' evening tonight. We'll probably eat out somewhere after, so don't expect us home until later. Tori is sleeping at Becky's so you'll have the house to yourself. This DOES NOT MEAN your punishment is over. You are still not to leave the house or invite anyone over DO I MAKE MYSELF CLEAR? There's food in the fridge. Love you.

That was why Charlie found himself, an hour later, sitting on the bus with Nick beside him, feeling lighter than he had in days. He had texted Nick with the news the second after his mum's text and the pair of them had spent their fifth periods practically giddy with anticipation.

"Are you sure this is okay with your parents?" Nick asked as Charlie shut the front door behind them.

"Oh, it absolutely isn't okay with them," said Charlie. "But if Oliver has a good parents' evening, then he's probably going to be treated to a McDonald's or something after..."

Nick dropped his school bag beside his shoes and gathered Charlie up in his arms. "And since he's pretty much always a ray of sunshine?"

"We have plenty of time -- Hey! Put me down!" Charlie shrieked as Nick scooped him up and ran with him into the kitchen.

He plopped him down on the counter and kissed his nose. "Tea?"

"Tea," Charlie agreed. He pulled Nick in by his shirt collar and captured his lips with his own.

"Hmm..." Nick hummed, steadying himself with his hands at Charlie's waist. "I don't think this is how you make tea..."

Half an hour later, Nick and Charlie were both sprawled out on the living room sofa, tea (finally) made, comfy clothes on, a pizza in the oven, as Charlie destroyed Nick in their third round of Mario Kart.

This had been exactly what they needed, Nick thought. Just a normal evening doing nothing together.

Only in the short moments of disconnect, when Nick went to the loo, when Charlie went to check on the pizza, when one of them turned away from the other for a moment, did Charlie's hands shake or Nick's stomach jolt.

As they sat down in front of a random film on the TV, a pizza shared between them, Nick couldn't fathom ever wanting anything more from life than this.

He reached out to grab another slice, but then realised his half of the pizza had gone already. Charlie was still nibbling carefully at his second slice.

Charlie noticed Nick withdraw his hand and smiled sadly. "You can have that. Don't worry. I'm not really that hungry."

"Are you sure?"

Charlie nodded, but Nick saw his smile disappear and removed his hand from the plate.

"No," he said. "You eat that. It's your half after all. I don't want to steal your food. Hey, what's the matter?"

I Can Hear Your Heart (A Heartstopper FanFic -- BOOK 1)Where stories live. Discover now