Chapter 40 (:O !!!)

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Wattpadians!!! How’s life??? :D

Pic of Theo’s wolf ---->

Song is Mockingbird by Eminem

Thanks to the Fabulous FANS:

AshleyxMikaila     BrendaG58     Midnightlake360    

And to the vunderful VOTERS: (Lol, you have to pronounce wonderful the German way.)

BrendaG58     Midnightlake360     Bandia     smile4eva     must_ingel     dimpleszxx3     just_randomcookies      Echosky     TonkaTruck66     ThisKittenHasClaws     echargers11     Melndjace     Katchie     maddiepaddie     jlynnsmith90     CrazyGyrl56     MaxineInAFantsay     Bethluvsu     oso_sweet     Celestial_Moonlight     kween_meh    

It was so funny, the other day I was walking and I saw these 2 big dogs, and they looked like wolves, kinda. One was brown and one was black, just like Belle and Dave. Then the owner came along, and I asked their names, and he said “Belle and Dave.” I was like :O!!!

Freaky or what???


I’m weird.

I like cookies.


Hope u liked the chapter!!! It’s a very, very, very long un’!:D

Chapter 40 (!!!! :O)

Theo’s P.O.V

The rest of the day passed quickly. After school, I walked back to the car with my arm around Addie. We were talking seriously about the killings.

“We’re probably going to go help the humans again tonight.” I told her casually. “Hopefully they’ll finally have started to realise how stupid they are to go in the woods though...”

Addie stopped and stared at me, eyes round. “Again? Oh Thee...”

“You need to lighten up.” I teased. She just stared at me, her large brown eyes sad. I took her chin gently in my hands. “Ade, we’re not helpless puppies.”

“I know that.” She told me defiantly. “But you seriously need to lower your ego.”

I laughed, and kissed her gently on the lips, only for a second. In that second I heard the sound of grinding teeth, and looked up. Cherry was standing in the middle of the parking lot, her face slightly red, her teeth bared a little. She looked away hastily when she saw us looking, probably both with a smirk on our faces, and began to walk on. She gave us a sideways glance when she thought we couldn’t see her, and Addie gave her a cheery wave. I snorted.

Linda suddenly pushed past, her shoulder knocking mine. “Oops.” She said loudly, smirking. “Sorry Theo, I didn’t see you.”

“Oh, hi Linda. I didn’t see you either. Don’t know how I missed you though, with clothes that clash so bad.” I looked very obviously at her disgusting range of clashing neon clothes. Linda’s smirk twisted into a scowl, which she directed at Addie, who looked away hastily.

“Is the human coming?” She asked brusquely.

“‘The human’ has a name.” I told her irritably.

“Uh, actually I should probably go back.” Addie said awkwardly. “I need to take the car back.”

“Want me to come back with you?”

She gave me a grateful smile. “Sure.”

“He can’t.” Linda told her, eyes narrowed. “We have to catch a killer.”

The Moonstone Wolf Pack (NEEDS EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now