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Hi! Before you start reading this book I wanted to tell you a few things about this book. Firstly, in this book, you're the eighth member of the boy group ENHYPEN. You are the youngest, well your and Nikis' birthday is just 5 months apart. Secondly, this book and everything in it is just my imagination. It has nothing to do with reality. (Idk how to explain it in short, but I'll try... DO NOT TAKE ANYTHING SERIOUSLY IN THIS BOOK 'CAUSE I'M WRITING IT FOR FUN! Here, I didn't know I could explain it so fast but, oh well)

I'm not going to write more info about this book or its characters 'cause you gonna find it all out while reading the book. If I remember anything while writing the book, I'll let you know (Idk how yet but when I'll need to tell you something, I'll figure something out)


✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now