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"She isn't going anywhere alone. I will not let it happen." Someone said from behind them. It was the blond tall boy.

"Niki, I already said that—" Jungwon was cut off by Niki "I.said.SHE.will.NOT.go.anywhere.ALONE." He said while walking to where the two of you were sitting. Niki's voice was full of anger and his eyes were now darker than normal.

"Baby, can we talk?" Niki asked you, now in a soft voice while gently taking your hand and pulling you closer to himself. "Riki, I didn't mean it lik-" Jungwon again was cut off by Niki "Jungwon hyung, just- stop..." he said and was about to leave with you but Jake and Heeseung came into the room.

"Niki, stop cutting Jungwon off. Won, continue." Heeseung said as he held your hand softly, guiding you to sit with him and Jake on the other side of the couch. "Thank you Heeseung hyung. Niki, I didn't finish yet. They asked for her to come alone, but as I said already, I didn't agree. They insisted that she would come alone and I said okay with one condition." Jungwon said and you got nervous. Jungwon and Niki were basically having a fight now and you had to watch it. "Oh yeah, and what is the condition? For her to be kidnapped or-" Niki was cut off by Jake now. "NIKI, STOP FOR GOD'S SAKE!" Jake yelled and Niki looked at him with disbelief.

Jake never, and I mean never yelled or actually fought with Niki. Playful fights — of course, serious fights — never. Jake wanted to make Niki happy. He played with Niki and took care of him, even if he was mad, he never yelled at Niki. It was really rare for Jake to even get mad, so to hear him yell was even more rare.

The whole house went silent after Jake yelled. Jake's face went pale after he understood that he just did what he promised himself to not do in his life ever. Heeseung stood up and told Jake to sit down but he didn't. Instead, he started to walk to Niki slowly. "Niki, I-" "I'm going to sleep. Good night everyone..." Niki said before Jake could finish what he was saying.

Niki wouldn't have left if any other member would've yelled at him, but because it was Jake who did it, Niki just couldn't control his emotions. Everyone knew that Niki went to his room and was now probably crying, they knew that Niki will cry himself to sleep today. You saw Niki cry only a few times, he always keeps everything to himself. But today, right before he left, he looked at you and you saw tears in his eyes, a few of them already were fallen on his cheeks.

No one wanted to talk about the whole police thing. Jake was now sitting on the couch. He tried to talk with Niki but that boy didn't open the door for him. Jake felt horrible, he was discussed by himself. An hour has passed since the fight and as you and Jake were sitting, Jake asked you "Y/n... Can you please try to get into Niki's room? I know that he's smart and won't do anything to himself, but I don't want him to cry himself to sleep... Could you... Maybe sleep with him tonight?".

You of course agreed and hugged Jake. He hugged you and hid his face in your hoodie. He also wanted to cry but tried his best not to.

Ten minutes later you were standing by Niki's room doors, knocking on them. "Riki...? It's me... Y/n... Can you-" You didn't even get a chance to finish what you were saying when the door opened. Niki pulled you into the room and locked the door again. He turned around and hugged you. It was dark in the room, no lights were on but you could still see Niki's eyes being puffy from crying. "Princess...?" You heard Niki say and responded with a hum.

"Don't... leave me... p-please" he said and broke down into tears.

To be honest I am in a very good mood today so I have zero idea why I wrote this chapter like this.

Anyways, hope you'll have great day, night🫶

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