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W.c.: 1,0k

[Blood may be mentioned]


"It's okay diamond... I'm here... I won't let him hurt you..." I said as I caressed Y/n's hair. I didn't know who I meant by saying "him" but I had a feeling that it wasn't just one person. In my mind, there was the stalker and Niki.

Our staff got Y/n to leave first to her room and then told the rest what happened on the plane. We were sitting on one side of the plane and the other there was a crazy man who said that he knew Y/n and that he was her friend. Maybe he knew her but she didn't know him for sure. The staff somehow got the guy away and nothing terrible happened but later today staff got a call and were told that the guy had 3 knives in his pocket. They still are trying to figure out how he got the knife through the security guards and all the metal detectors.

On the other hand, I was worried about Niki too. He started to act differently. Not just around me but around others too. I know about Niki's plan that he made with Jake and Heeseung and I would think that he acts like this because of it around Y/n. But he doesn't act differently around only her so that's not the case anymore. Sunoo said that while we were at the airport, after we got out of the plane, Niki was looking around like crazy. Heeseung also said that he saw the same thing and that Niki pushed him while he was looking around. Jake tried to explain his behavior and said that it was because he never had been in Australia before but we didn't think that way. Of course, later Jake said that Niki was texting someone and after that got a call. He didn't really pay any attention because it was normal for someone to text or get a call but he heard his call. Niki was threatening someone and then got angry. Jake heard a hard bang then inside the room that Niki was in and ran to check on him. Niki was with bloody hands and a broken vase was on the floor.

We all talked about it with each other but didn't say anything to Niki or Y/n. We all agreed to look after Niki and make sure he doesn't do anything to himself or anyone else.

As I was about to go to my bed I got a call. It was Jake.

"Yes Jake" I answered the call silently.

"Niki disappeared" I heard a panicked voice on the other line. My eyes widened a bit as I looked at Y/n, sleeping peacefully now.

"What do you mean "disappeared"?"

"I mean disappeared. He's not here. I woke up because I heard the door slam and saw that Niki wasn't in bed anymore." Jake said as his voice sounded even more panicked than before.

"Okay okay calm down. Did you go after him and look for him?" I asked.

"I did. There was no sound, no people, nothing. I didn't even hear a single footstep. Nothing." Jake said and I could tell from his voice that something was really bad.

"Okay call Heeseung and Sunoo and tell them to get everyone in your room." I said with a serious voice.

"What about Y/n? We can't leave her like that." Jake said and I looked at her sleeping. I thought about what to do.

"Okay tell them to come to my room." I said and then hung up the phone.


I called Sunoo and Heeseung as Jay told me to. I was worried about Niki. Really worried. I noticed his strange behavior back in Korea. He was acting like someone was about to kidnap him. I started to worry about him at that moment.

10 minutes later we all were sitting in Jay's and Y/n's room. Y/n was sleeping in her bed while we all were sitting in the living room. It was not too far away from where Y/n was sleeping, there was only half of the wall and if Y/n would woke up she would hear everything clearly.

"What do you mean-" Jungwon didn't end his sentence when Sunoo spoke up.

"Disappeared?!" Sunoo's voice was a bit too loud and Jay shushed him.

"When I say disappeared I mean disappeared. Do everyone for real is hearing this word for the first time???" I said getting annoyed slowly. Why does everyone so stupid suddenly?

"Well sorry mister smartass." Sunghoon said and I rolled my eyes.

"Enough fighting. We better find Niki until the sun rises or the staff will call the police. It won't end well then." Jay said and stood up.

"How? He doesn't pick up our calls." Heeseung said.

"I would kill him if he went for just a walk." Jungwon said and then it hit me. Niki didn't disappear. He was going to see the place where he planned surprising Y/n. Oh my God. That boy is so freaking stupid, I can't. He doesn't know anything here in Australia. If I won't find him now he'll go missing for real.

"Give me Y/n's phone." I said with a calm voice. Sunoo grabbed Y/n's phone and unlocked it. He handed me the phone and I called Niki through Y/n's phone. Everyone was now looking at me.

"Hello? Y/n? Why aren't you sleeping? Is everything okay?" The phone was on speaker so everyone could hear it. It was Niki's voice. That boy will regret doing this to all of us.

"Boy, you're in trouble." Sunoo said and laid back on the couch while laughing slightly.


I'm so tired that my brain just can't think of anything to write right now... I'm fine though, don't worry :)

Hope you have a good day, good afternoon, and good night <3


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