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>~~~ Y/N'S POV ~~~<

While Niki was laughing, I remembered that he was shirtless and blushed while covering my face. 'I FREAKING HUGGED NIKI WHILE HE WAS SHIRTLESS!!! I TOUCHED HIM WHILE HE WAS SHIRTLESS!!!' I got pulled out of my thoughts by Niki uncovering my face. "What's wrong? Did I do something wrong?" Niki asked and I shook my head. "No, you didn't, it's just that...you- you're...shirt- shirtless..." I said and looked away. Niki chuckled and cupped my face with his hand, making me look at him. The lights were off so the whole room was drowning in the dark, only some light from Nikis' bedlight was helping you both to see each other. He looked into your eyes and so did you. He then smiled and got off of me and went to put his hoodie on. After that, he lay on his bed comfortably and patted his left side chest (Idk what that suppose to mean), signaling for me to come and cuddle with him. I smiled and laid my head on his chest. 

"So you couldn't fall asleep because you were thinking about me?" Niki asked and I felt him smirking while asking.

>~~~ NIKI'S POV ~~~<

I asked and smirked. I knew that she was blushing now and I think it was cute. She didn't answer me tho so I laughed.

"Why are you laughing?" she asked, lifting her head from my chest and looking at me.

"No, nothing..." I said.

While I was looking at her, I got lost in my thoughts. A strand of hair got into her face so I put it behind her ear and then, moving my hand from her ear, I stopped at her cheek. Her eyes were going like crazy from one of my eye to the other (don't ask me what I'm writing cuz' believe me, idk). After some time, she looked at my lips and back to my eyes. I smirked and she then rolled her eyes and laid back on my chest.

"Yahh... I want to see your face," I said as she giggled. Her giggles were so cute, they make me want to make never let go of her. Not like I ever will let her go but...

"Let's just sleep, I'm tired," she said with a sleepy voice. I wasn't sleepy at all with her by my side, but I knew that she was truly tired after the exhausting week, so I just let her sleep on my chest and tried not to move a lot.

After 20 minutes I fell asleep too and we both cuddled while sleeping.


>~~~ Y/N'S POV ~~~<

I woke up at what felt like midnight. When I wanted to move, I felt a tight grip on my waist and it was Niki. He was sleeping almost without any blanket, cuz'  he put all of the blanket on me. I smiled, he was so cute while sleeping, and his long hair was falling onto his face (hide the scissors ✂️✂️✂️ I won't let anyone touch any of the members' hair, it looks just too good on them🤧🤧). I moved the hair off of his face and he flicked a bit (idk, I always wake up when someone touches me or smth). He slowly opened his sleepy eyes and looked at me.

"What time is it?" he asked and moved a bit, pulling me by my waist closer to him.

"Midnight," I said and hugged Niki. After what I said I only heard a hum from him and I guess he fell back asleep. I then pulled the blanket on Niki so he won't get cold and fell back asleep too.

✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now