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~ Time skip ~
In the hotel


The staff told all of us to get to our rooms and rest for the next two days. They told us that we deserve the, so-called, short holiday. I was honestly pretty tired even though I slept 3 hours while still on the plane. But that wasn't enough I guess.

Me, Jake, and Sunoo went to the elevator first as we already got our keys and knew which room we had. Heeseung got into the elevator right before the door closed.

"What room did you get?" Jake asked while Sunoo was checking himself on his phone. "I got room 120." Jake added.

"I got," Heeseung looked at his key. "I got room 121." Heeseung said. The elevator stopped and the door opened.

"I think we all got the rooms on the same floor" Sunoo said as we all stepped out of the elevator. "I got room 118"

"Oh, I didn't get any of these rooms." I said and looked at my key. Number 119 on the key.

"What room did you get then?" Sunoo asked and looked at the key in my hand. "119? Didn't N-"

"SUNOO." Jake cut Sunoo off as the two of us looked at him like he was crazy. "You need to come to my room after 20 minutes... We need to... uhh... make a call, to my parents... and I need you to help me." Jake said.

I could hear the struggle in his voice and see it too on his face. He was nervous. But not because of Sunoo. Because of something else. Something that I didn't know. Yet.

We all parted ways as we all went to our rooms. I was exhausted, to say the least. I pulled my suitcase to the side and took off my shoes. I was curious about who would be my roommate too. I didn't want to take any of the beds until I knew who my roommate was.

If it would be Jay, I would be the one picking which bed I want. If Sunghoon, I would probably pick the one closer to the window because I know that Sunghoon doesn't like sleeping next to the window when at the hotel. It's something that not everyone understands but I'm okay with it.

As I was washing my hands I heard the door opening. I stepped out of the bathroom and looked around me. No one. Didn't someone just open the door and walked in? I swear that I heard footsteps.

I walked further into the room and there I couldn't believe my eyes. A tall, probably 6-foot, boy with blond hair was standing with his back turned to me. There's no way that this guy is here, in the room with me for the whole trip, by accident. He had planned all of this for sure. I can't be mad though, right?

"Hey there," I said and Niki turned around quickly. He had a nervous smile pressed on his face. "You asked them- No, you begged them, didn't you?" I added and his smile dropped.


"I'm not stupid, I know how protective they are over me." I said and sat on the edge of one of the beds.

"Okay, well... Are you mad?" Niki asked taking a step towards me. "If you're uncomfortable with me in the same room I can change with Jay. He got a room with Jake so it won't be something really bad for me or Jake, nor Jay. He wanted to have a room with you." Niki said with a smile. I smiled too.

"I don't want to make you sad or anything. I'm not uncomfortable with you in the same room, I just didn't expect us to be together. I would actually be grateful if you and Jay could change though. Don't misunderstand. I want to be with you. I really do. But it's just that me and Jay were always so close but the past two or three months were difficult for your friendship. He took me to the restaurant. Then I got that stalker and I know that he blames himself for everything that happened to me. I just want... your friendship back..." I said, a few tears could be seen in my eyes but Niki quickly wiped them away with his thumb.

✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now