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>>>~ Y/N'S POV ~<<<

"SUNGHOON STOP EATING MY ICE CREAM!!!"  I heard someone screaming from downstairs.

I woke up in the morning with my head hurting real bad. Yesterday I was really tired and I actually slept like a baby but it's probably one of those horrible mornings when I wake up with a headache.

I was so distracted with my headache that I didn't notice Niki's arm around my waist. His grip around my waist tightened and that's when I noticed him behind me. I turned around to face him.

"Good morning princess, " Niki said and smiled at me. I did too and then yawned, Niki chuckled. "Still tired?" He asked and I nodded.

We stayed in bed for a few more minutes in total silence, comfortable silence, but it wasn't long-lasting as I heard Jake's voice again. I groaned and covered my ears as my head was hurting from every single loud sound even more. Niki noticed that and his eyes turned into worried ones.

"Is everything okay?" he asked after I uncovered my ears. "Yes, everything is fine, my head just hurts and Jake's screaming doesn't help," I said and closed my eyes.

I almost drifted off to sleep again but I felt something on my lips and my right cheek. I slowly opened my eyes. My eyes met with his and we stared at each other for long 5 minutes. Niki's left hand was on my cheek, his thumb was slowly caressing my lips. I didn't want to look away from his eyes, they were like the ocean. Every time I looked at them it was like I fell into a deep and dark ocean. I liked it tho. I liked everything that we did together. With each look that we exchanged, I fell deeper into the ocean of his eyes. Now I once again forgot about everything around me just because of his eyes.

With every second when we were looking at each other, we got closer to each other. Soon enough our faces were inches away from each other. I could feel Niki's hot breath on my face and I just know that he was looking at my lips now because I'm doing the same.

A few seconds later Niki closed the gap between our lips, connecting and locking them with each other.

The truth is, I don't mind if Niki kisses me. It's just that I'm scared that I'm a bad kisser and that I'll lose him. I don't want to lose anyone ever again.

>Niki's POV<

Our lips were moving in synchronicity, her lips perfectly fit with mine. I know what she thinks, that she's a horrible kisser, and that for that I'll leave her, but it will never happen. I love her, truly love her and she isn't even a bad kisser. If she would be, why would I want to kiss her?

After some time we pulled away. Y/n hugged my torso and hid her face in my chest. That made me assume that she was probably blushing. I hugged her back and didn't say anything, I just smiled like an idiot.

"Niki..." after a minute I heard Y/n's voice. I hummed in response. "You can kiss me whenever you want, just not in public or on cameras..." I heard her say again and smiled even more.

"Your wish is my command, Princess"

I honestly forgot bout this book 🧍‍♀️

So the story is like this:
I had exams (idk it's called somehow different in my country but we'll stick to "exams";)) and I forgot about everything o was doing before that. Then not long ago I unpublished 2 of my books (I think 2), which one of them was this book, but today I thought "why did i even do that?" and published it again, and it's an apology chapter.

Please don't kill me or don't be mad 🙏🙏🙏


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✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now