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After me and Jay walked through the door, Jay guarded me to the car. We were on the first floor, in the foyer room, it was dark outside already and a bit cold.

I was about to step outside when suddenly I felt a strong grip on my waist.

"Jay hyung, give us a minute," I heard a voice say behind me, I knew that voice, it was Niki. I looked in front of me and saw Jay nodding to the person behind me and then to me. He smiled and walked in the car's direction.

The next second Niki dragged me behind a corner and pinned me to the wall. I closed my eyes shut as I felt Niki's breath on my face. "Why?" I heard him saying. I opened my eyes slightly and locked them with his. They were even darker than usual. Our faces were inches from each other.

"What?" I asked sounding confused. "Why did you have your head on Jungwon's shoulder?" He asked and moved to my ear. "I'll confess, I am jealous... I don't like you being so close to other boys, even if it's our members," he whispered against my ear.

So he's jealous? Wait, maybe I should keep this up? I mean he pranked me way too many times. I have the right to get back at him for all of the pranks. Let's just turn my "actress Y/n" on.

"Huh? What do you mean? Jungwon is my best friend, he's like my older brother and others too," I said and he backed off a bit, his hands still on the wall so I wouldn't go away. He stared into my eyes and his gaze was so strong, I got shivers and then quickly looked away from his eyes.

"Niki, me and Jay have dinner together, I have to go. He's probably waiting for me already," I said again but he did move nor did he say anything. He just started at me.

"Hello? I need to go Niki," I waved my hand in front of him. As I did it he grabbed the hand I was waving with and pulled me closer to himself. He then got closer to my face and kissed me.

Niki kissed me for a long few minutes and soon I started pulling away but he didn't let go of me. Finally, after a few more times trying to pull away from him, I gave up. I wrapped my arms around his neck to deepen the kiss. After I did it, Niki pulled away soon. Putting his forehead with mine, his hands still wrapped around my waist.

"I'll let you go this time, but don't you dare make me jealous. You don't know what I can do when I'm jealous and believe me, you don't want to see," he said and then let go of me, turned around, and walked back to the room where the other boys were.

And what if I want to see it?

As I was walking to the car I felt like someone is watching me. When I turned around, I looked at the person in the building. It was Niki. He was staring there with his hand in his pockets, looking directly at me. Then someone walked from behind him, I'm pretty sure it was Sunghoon, put his hand on Niki's shoulder and dragged him from the window, further into the room.

After I finally got into the car, Jay was sitting there and scrolling through his phone. "What did he want?" he asked. "He's jealous," I simply replied and Jay looked at me with a confused expression on his face. I explained everything to him and he laughed. "Oh my God, that boy," he said while shaking his head. When he calmed down from laughing, he started the car and we drove off.

After a few minutes, I asked Jay "Can you help me with making Niki more jealous?" "You sure you want to do that?" he asked. "Yes, he pranked me way too many times. It's my time to shine," I said and he chuckled. "If you want to, sure, but why me?" He asked and turned left. "I will talk to the other later, now it's only you here with me so I'm asking you first," I explained and Jay nodded.

He parked the car in the parking lot and got out of the car. After a few seconds, he opened my side door and helped me out of the car.

As we entered the restaurant Jay guarded me to our table and we both had a wonderful dinner.

2 hours later we were about to leave the restaurant when Jay met his old classmates and talked to him for some minutes. I was sitting at our table still and heard someone behind me say "She's the one that we were looking for, the one with a black dress and a black jacket,".

I was wearing a black dress and a black jacket...

Now it's time for me to get some sleep again 😴

✓ His eyes • Riki NishimuraWhere stories live. Discover now