Chapter 15

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Lucciano and I got to know a little bit more about each other over the past few days. Although he still felt much of a frustrating enigma.

Sometimes he's cool, open, caring another time he's cold, remote and just hard to talk to.

Christoph had left for some work leaving me with Mr Reginald and his other workers.

I sat outside dipping my legs in the pool and Mr Reginald handed me a glass of champagne. I decided why not. I took this time to relax and reflect on everything. Perhaps whatever happened to me was good, but I still couldn't help but fear for the future.

"Leilani." I turned at the sound of his voice smokier than usual. "Vinny." I said with a grin.

"Ciao bella." I laughed shyly as he took a sit on the closest sun lounger. "What's going on? Did Christoph-"

"No-" I interrupted. "Christoph didn't do anything, he's actually been real nice lately." He arched an eyebrow as if he could not believe it. I'd always sensed a bit of animosity between him and Christoph, but they didn't really show it. Maybe that's just how they were.

"I apologise for not being able to come visit you after your accident." He said sternly, his features softened as he looked at me with regret. "It's okay, you don't have to apologise." I smiled trying to lift his burden off his shoulders. "I'm fine, everything's fine." I noticed his suit, a deep navy blue, a contrast from his usual black attire.

"Finally some colour!" Sort of. He arched an eyebrow in amusement, "ya'll wear black all the time it sometimes gets hard to distinguish who's who." He let out a throaty chuckle much to my amusement. He rarely smiled or laughed. I couldn't help but think he had a lot to hide. All brothers had a lot to hide. Except for Russ, he came off as a playboy.

"Well I'm actually going to Milan." He mumbled.

"Work?" I Put forth and he confirmed with a nod. "Then after that we are to have a family dinner."

"Well that's nice." I paused. "How does it feel having such a big family?" I looked up at him, squinting my eyes from the harsh rays of sunlight.

"I don't know. A lot goes on its hard to say if it's good or bad. I personally dislike it." His bright flagstone blue irises stared right at me as he spoke unsympathetically. I'd always wanted to be part of a big family but instead I just had my dad because I ruined everything before it could even start.

"Having a small family isn't the nicest thing either." I looked down at my reflection on the water. It was just me and my dad. He was present most of the time but not all the time. I felt lonely lot and had nobody to share my problems with because I had nobody who cared that much for me. Nobody asked If I was really okay, nobody tried to make me there own, I never fitted in. I was just the physics nerd, with no real life or purpose. Not even my closest friend knew me as much as I'd known him.

"I have to get going." He got up. I took my feet out of the water pushing myself up when I stumbled back a bit and he caught me. His arm tightened around my waist and I tried to keep my hands off him. His breathing was deep and slow.... mine halted. I held his gaze for a while until I pulled back from his grip, "thanks." He lowered his gaze, his thick black eyebrows furrowed as nodded his head.

"Goodbye Leilani." And just like that he left. It was strange, how he acted, he left me with a busy mind.

Night fell and I helped myself to a little literature. It has been ages since I'd read a book and Lucciano just so happened to have a whole entire library in his mansion.

I wasn't expecting him, for he obviously attended his family dinner. With nothing but a lamp alight, I sat on the floor as I read my pieces of fine literature.

My eyes grew sore and tired from the constant reading. I shut the book putting it down right next then brought my knees up to my chest hugging them tightly as I let my mind wander off when I heard a rustling sound which sent me jolting up with the book in my hand. I pushed off the ground inspecting the entrance if the library from afar. Nobody but me was in the house what could that have been?  I shook my head, I possibly could have imagined it.

I walked to the large shelves when something grabbed my hand and out of instinct I used the book as a weapon hitting the large figure in front of me as hard as I could. "Leilani it's me!" He pinned me against the shelve, the book falling from my hand. I breathed heavily, regretting what I just did. "Christoph? I'm so sorry." The lamp barely illuminated the whole room , I could barely see his face. He let go of me then went on to inspect himself for any injuries. "But what are you doing here?"

"What do you mean what am I doing here its my house." He sounded annoyed. He started to walk away when I blurted out, "Aren't you supposed to be in Milan with your family?" He turned to me cocking his head. "Vinny told me." I added immediately.

"I don't have time for any of that."

"Why not?" I stood inches behind him. 

"What are you doing in here anyways?" He tried to avoid my question

"Why not Lucciano?" I felt my voice rise a little, i was adamant. I spotted a bit of shock laced in his countenance. He sighed shoving his hands deep in his pockets. Then he looked at me, fear and sadness evident on his face. "I don't think my presence would be much appreciated." He ejaculated. He exhaled pinching the center of his eyebrows as he shook his head as if he regretted telling me that. He turned to walk away when I grabbed his hand and I felt him wince a little. "What do you mean your presence wouldn't be appreciated?"

"I don't think it's that hard to understand." He walked to the desk where a bottle of whiskey was kept and poured two generous measures. He didn't wanna turn to me so I went and stood right besides him. "Are you and your family not on good terms?" I whispered, he stared down at me handing me a glass of liquor.

"I did something." He walked past me and took a seat on the large sofa. Leaning back as be brought the glass to his lips. I looked down at my glass which I held tightly, then back at Lucciano. A doleful contentance, he wasn't even trying to hide it.

I went and sat down right next to him, slowly taking a sip of the whiskey and it burnt. It hurt but it was good.

"What did you do?" I asked cautiously. His thick dark eyebrows came together, his eyelids lazily covering his eyes before he leaned his head back, closumg his eyes shut and gulping.

"I did what people like me do." My heart sank.

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