Chapter 29

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'4 Years later.'

It was bliss, yet tinged with fear. A part of me was at rest, calm, while the other worried, feared. 

He crossed my mind day in and out and just the thought of what he would do if he found me sent painful shivers down my spine.

There was always something heavy in my chest, I couldn't breathe and the only time I felt at ease was when I comforted my aching heart and confronted my fearful self.

The door cracked open and I smiled, knowing who it was.

"Mommy!" She let out reaching out from Nikolas's hands to get to me. Another reason to put me at ease.

He moved closer and I took her from him hugging her as tightly as I could, inhaling her soft, baby sent.

"You're still awake?" He walked to the kitchen, then returned shortly.

"Yeah, how cold I possibly go to sleep without my baby?" I kissed her soft little cheeks as she giggled, pulling onto the blanket I was covering.

"It was a long day at work, but I'd gotten back early." And since I was alone I took the time to relax, 'cause Allie would never let me.

"Have you eaten?" I nodded, smiling at how concerned he was for me. I really was grateful for this man. 

"Have you?" I reciprocated.

"We had paasta!" She announced happily as she played with her fingers.

"Oh really?" I giggled, carrying her. "Let's go and take a bath." 

I smiled at Nikolas, who just stood there watching us with a concealed smirk.

I ran the water, "bubbles, mummy." She looked up at me as I went and grabbed a bottle of soap. She loved it and I made sure she had bubble baths often.

I gave her everything I possibly could.

I picked her hyper self up. Then placed her in the bath letting her play for a while.

She stood on the bed, holding on tightly too my shirt as I dried her hair. Black tight-curly locks a combination of mine and.....

And his.

"Sit down, let me get your socks." She sat playing with the buttons of her little pink suit pajamas. 

I walked towards the cupboard when a beacon of light coming from outside caught my eye. I walked to the window, pushing the curtain aside.

Headlights.... It was just headlights.

I turned to leave when something else caught my eye. Someone....

I focused on them, Nikolas and some man in a suit. My breathe hitched. A sense of uneasiness evaded my being, as I wondered who it could be.

Whenever I saw men in black suits or anything like that I tried my best to stay away. Christoph was impulsive, it could be one of his men for all I know.

"Mama.." she let out wearily. 

"Allie." I went to over, and tucked her in. "I'll be back." I kissed her forehead and strode down to the living room. 

I placed my hand on the old, ice cold handle when Allegra began to cry. I groaned rushing to her.

I put her to sleep, finally. She didn't like being left alone. Obviously because I never did.

My mind was still on that man outside. My heart wouldn't be at peace until I knew who he was.

I silently left, going back to the living room, I grasped the handle when Nikolas called out to me, "Leilani?" I turned to him. "What's wrong?" He asked noticing the fear on my face.

"W-who were you talking to?" I shivered, noticing the bag he was carrying 

"Um, it - it was just someone from work." I furrowed my brows, that wasn't convincing.

"And that bag? Are you leaving?" I asked, we both heard the fear in my tone.

"Ye-yeah, I have some work to do-"

"Now?" I pointed out as it was literally late for any kind of 'work'.

"Yes, it's important. I'll See you later Leilani." He hugged me then, gave comforting smile. 

I stepped aside, he opened the door, stepped out and I followed.

"Where are you going?" He arched an eyebrow.

"I wanna walk you out."

"Fine." He didn't protest. We walked all the way down stairs to the apartments' entry. I stood right at the door, said goodbye and watched him get into the car that awaited him.

I tried very heard to get a glimpse of the guy he spoke to but it was futile.

And with that I went right back up to my apartment. To my baby.

For four years I've lived a normal life, no guns, no psychopaths, no mafias. I wanted this so bad but I couldn't even enjoy it because I was always worried. Scared, what if he finds out about Allegra and takes my daughter away from me?

It's been four years and he still hasn't found me. I don't know why but I found it hard to believe.

Christoph was diligent. If he wanted something he made sure to get it, something wasn't right.

But for all it could be I still pray he'll never find us.


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