Chapter 32

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I glanced at the clock, hoping the time would move faster than it had been moving.

I wasn't really comfortable with staying away from Allie today, I don't know why but I felt uneasy.

I worked as a waitress in a well renounced Café. It was small but very popular among the people.

I got good pay and that was all I needed to take care of my daughter and myself. 

"Reeva, please come out back."

Upon coming to Glendale I had to change a lot, after disclosing some information. Nikolas helped me with getting a fake ID under the name Reeva Simons.

I didn't like the whole idea of changing my name but if I was gonna be safe I needed to.

I knocked on the door of Mrs Reynolds' office and she let me in. 

"There's a call for you Reeva." She smiled handing me the telephone.

I grabbed it, skeptical of who it would be. I've never received a phone call at work.

"Hello." There was silence on the other side. One that made me really uncomfortable.

"I'll excuse you." Mrs Reynolds left. 

"H-hello?" I repeated 

"Kaele..." I choked on the air, nearly passing out. 

I coughed trying to clear my airway and I put the phone down onto the table. 

"Is everything okay?" Miss Reynold walked back in helping me stand up straight.

"I- I need to leave."

I could barely breathe, my skin grew damp as the mere though of it made me shudder uncontrollably. My eyes filled with tears as she sat me down.

She took my hand in her's and sat in the chair opposite mine, "Reeva, what's wrong?"

"I'm sorry Mrs Reynold, I won't be able to work today." I let out as quickly as I could forgetting to breathe. "Please."

"You can go.... Please call me when you get home." I smiled nodding. I tightened my grip on her wrinkly hands. She really was so nice to me. I couldn't thank her enough.

I took a taxi straight home, while trying to give Fabiola a call. But she wasn't picking up. I laid back impatiently, my fingers constantly tapping my thigh.

I shut my eyes in an attempt to relax but it was all in vain.

That voice, deep, gravelly and husky. That voice could not be mistaken. 

How the hell did he find me....

I brust through the door, panicking, "Leilani?!"

"Pack your bags now!"

"What? why?"

"Just do what I tell, I have no time."

I took Allie from her taking her with me up stairs. 

After a while, I dragged my luggage with me to the living room and Fabiola came following with hers.

"What's wrong Leilani?" Her tone was laced with worry.

"He, He found me.." I whispered.


"We have to go. Some place far from here.... Som-"

"-We can go to my Abuela's."

"Are you sure, I don't want to bother you or your family."

"No, it's okay. I've actually told Abuela a lot about you and Allegra. She'd be pleased to meet you two."

"Well Allie and I can only stay for a few days."

"Leilani, I'm not doing you a favour. I'm doing this because you're family you can stay as long as you'd like." She said slightly annoyed.

"I know.... But...." I took a deep breath in. "I'll be leaving the country."

"...." Her lips parted and she looked at me, speechless.

"Allegra and I will be leaving with my dad."

"And when did you decide on this?"

"A few days ago."

"You told me you weren't on good terms with your father and now all of a sudden?"

I sighed, "looked we met at the park, spoke and I know he has changed."

"And how sure are you that you can trust him?"

"...." I wanted to speak but couldn't, truth be told I didn't even know if I trusted him like I did before but part of me knew I'd be safer in a whole different continent.

"Let's leave please." She shook her head taking our bags with her.


"Yess." I looked at Allegra with a little smile and she hugged me tightly.

"Don't be sad, pweezz." I smiled holding on to her tightly.

"I'm not sad." She placed her little arm on my cheek, "I love you mummy."

"I love you much more."

Irregardless of everyone and everything Allegra came first and I'd do anything to protect her from him

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