Chapter 27

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The image above is a depiction of the Mark of the Castileo Reapers.**

Christoph's POV

I kept my eyes on her, watching as she did her thing. Her eyes met with mine and she gave a little smile, colour flashing on her face.

I was cold, emotionless, that she immediately noticed and stopped smiling.

"Please don't do any strenuous activities until you're completely healed."

I stared at my hands, Leilani was still on my mind that even if I tried to think about another woman I couldn't.

"Leave." I ordered. Disappointment flashed on her face and then she left.

I didn't have her anymore, and for some reason, I was at ease with the fact that I didn't kill her.

The girl stabbed me but I couldn't find it within me to be angered by what she did.

It hurt but it was good. The pain reminded me of her.

"Enzo!" Russ and the rest of the guys walked in. "What happened?" He asked frantically as he took a seat on the sofa opposite to me, while Demetrio and Vinny helped themselves to some drinks.

"She ran away." I said sarcastically, my eyelids lazily covering my eyes.

"I fuckin' know that. I mean what caused all this what did she do?"

"She has the Mark of the Reapers." I uttered calmly.

"There's no way she a Reaper." He protested in disbelief.

"That means she's related to Neluca in some way." Demetrio said as he sat down.

"Very closely related." I affirmed.

"And if that's so we could use her to get to Neluca." I nodded pointing at Demetrio, this is why we got along.

"I have the office tracking her. I'm sure she didn't get too far." I glanced at Vincent who quietly stood by the bar. I knew this guy far too well, "problema Vincent?"

He lifted his gaze from his glass, shooting me a deadly glare. "What if you're wrong?"


"About Leilani. If she really was affiliated with Tequan don't you think we would be in a totally different situation right now?" He seethed. I could feel his anger even though he was really good at concealing it.

I knew him so well.

"Don't let your feelings get the best of you Vincent." He arched an eyebrow letting out a chuckle.

"If I acted on that shit then you wouldn't have her." He growled as my fingers tightened around my gun which I kept close by.

"Whoa! No put that down Christoph." Russ stood up.

His fingers tightened around his glass as we glared at each other. "You had her but couldn't value her." He said right before he stormed out.

"Relax." Russ let out taking his seat. I shut my eyes and rubbed my forehead. I wasn't supposed to react like that, Leilani meant nothing to me. Especially after her betrayal.

"I'll be back."

I left walking with much struggle 'cause this wound hurt like hell.

I walked up to his car, where he sat lighting a cigar. He blew out a cloud of smoke before lazily gazing at me.

"I didn't mean to react like that." I said sincerely.

He said nothing and just smoked his cigar. I came to the realization that Vincent liked Leilani but was I about to forget how I felt?

Yes. I was willing to completely forget Leilani but not her betrayal.

I just needed Vincent to understand who she really was.

"Look, even I didn't want to believe it but I couldn't ignore what was right in front of me. Leilani was in my office going through confidential documents, that too for the second time. How could I possibly ignore that?"

He looked at me, took a moment to think and then let out a sigh.

"After everything that happened to you before, I don't want you repeating the same mistake again."

He nodded, "I wouldn't, besides I've seen the way you look at Leilani."

"What do mean the way I look at Leilani?" I growled as he smirked arching an eyebrow.

"We all understand it Christoph." He teased.

"Sir." I turned to the voice that called out. It was Kent, hopefully he had some good news, "did you find her?"

"Well, um.... We've lost track of the target."


Leilani's POV.

I opened my eyes to unknown, premises. Which I immediately recognized to be a gas station.

It was still day time, for how long was I out?

The man came back with a bunch of stuff from the store, "you're awake." He smirked flashing me his white teeth while I just gazed at him, sagging against my seat.

"I got you some snacks incase you're hungry." I glanced at the bag, then nodded turning away before turning back to him.

"Can I have some money?" I asked, watching as he arched an eyebrow.

"Um.... Sure." He handed me a couple of dollars.

"P-please wait for me." I said before getting out.

I scanned the store immediately I got in then began my search for bandages, razors and any other essentials, which I found then proceed to the restrooms.

I made sure nobody else was in here. I glanced at my tired self in the mirror immediately realiing just how unlovable I was. Why would he fall for someone like me?

Tears cascaded down my cheeks; I wiped them away, straightening my posture then took out a razor blade from it's packaging, drawing in a deep breath. I second guessed my thoughts but in order to be safe I had to do this.

I hesitantly pierced the flesh of my right arm making a deep incision right over the scar.

I groaned heavily, tears streaming down as I watched the blood pour out. Trying my best to bare the pain. With two little tweezers I took out the little device implanted into my body.

I stared at it as the pain got more and more unbearable.

I crushed it. Completely destroying the tracker..... I couldn't let him find me. Not ever.

I was never going to see Christoph again. This was the end. We ended before we could even start.

I wrapped my arm tightly with a bandage. It was still bleeding profusely but there was nothing I could do.

I got back to the car, popping a few pain killers as I stood by the door. I grabbed a bottle of water discreetly taking the pills while he was busy on his phone. I laid back against the seat, "we can go." I muttered, and he drove off.


I know I took forever to update but it's finally up, and I'm gonna try to do this regularly unlike before.

Vote And comment, I'd like to know what y'all think. :)

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