Chapter 24

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Christoph's POV

We were done with our five course meal and we sat ourselves by the balcony at Leilani's insistence.

She propped her elbows onto the railing to see down the edge of the balcony.

I held a glass of gin on the rocks as I observed the goddess like creature before me.

"Um Christoph?"

"Hmm?" I raised my eyebrows. She turned to me, settling nicely in her chair as her black diamond like irises gazed at me softly.

"..." she hesitated.

Her eyes falling on my rings on the hand I'd held the tumbler with. "Have you considered maybe........ letting... me go?" She tucked a loose strand of her thick hair behind her ear.

"I have." I took a long sip of my gin. This was something I felt to be intimate. Its like I've been waiting for her to ask.

"So will you let me go?" She leaned forward with a huge grin, her glass of wine between her propped up elbows.

"If I do give you your freedom, what are your plans?" I was certainly intrigued as her eyes sparked at the mention, aber started;

"First I need to maybe get a job so I could finance my education, cause I really wanna get my degree."

"What job is going to pay you that much?"

"I don't know." She shrugged. I could tell she was a little immature at this life game. Probably because Dante was her one and only support who always came through for her.

"But I really need to get my degree." She sipped her wine.

"And then?" I asked and without hesitation, "Then I'd obviously get a proper job as a physicist. After that I'd like to get my master's in physics 'cause why not?" She replied.

I nodded.

"Then I'd like to get married someday an-"

"-You wanna get married?" I cut her off.

"Yeah." She smiled ever so gently. "Don't you want to?" She enquired and my answer was simply a shake of the head.

"Why not?" Her smile faded, "well I'm not looking to be tied down to someone for the rest of my life, besides these marriages don't even work" I admitted.

"But it's going to be someone you love, someone you can trust someone you work well with. It will definitely work if both of you work towards it."

"What if she isn't that and all?" She took her gaze to her glass

"Well I guess you just have to take that risk. It's always the scary part." She let out, her voice low and raspy. "Anyways, so I'd like to find someone. Get married have kids and just be happy." Her lips curved slightly into a smile.

"Well..." I stired the ice in my glass around before taking a sip. "Some of your plans are making me rethink letting you go." I started to walk away when she stopped me. "Which ones?" I turned gazing at the night time lights and skyscrapers.

"The 'find someone, get married' and all that." I faced her, inching closer to her. "I don't think I'd be able to stand seeing you with someone else." I let out in a low raspy voice. She took my words in as she just shared at me, expressionless.

I slid my arm around her waist pulling her off her seat closer to me. Her arms wrapped around my neck and she hit me with a slow long kiss.

I pulled away then buried my face into gap between her neck and shoulders then proceed to pull her collar down and planted a long sensual kiss on her neck and the feeling of her tightening around me made me want her more.

I pulled away. Our faces inches apart, as her soft lips lightly grazed mine just before she looked at me with a hot yet innocent look.

I had my hands fixed on her womanly curves as I pulled her closer "breathe Kaele" I said and she smiled kissing me one more time.

I could feel the need and desire in her touch. The way her hands ran through my hair showed me just how much she wanted me.

My hands tightened around her as I took over passionately and violently devouring her. I literally had her whole body sculpted in my mind as my hands ran up and down her body; I knew her better than I needed to and I wanted her more than anything.

"Shall we go?" I asked, holding her loosely and she nodded to the sound of my voice.

Leilani's POV

I constantly had my eyes on him as he drove. All this was literally too good to be true.

I had a hot and powerful man right by my side and he knew me so well, I was his and he was mine.

Maybe I do love him.

We reached his mansion, another one of his many.

His men helped me out if the car and led us into the mansion.

His men helped me out if the car and led us into the mansion

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This one was bigger than the others I've seen.  I studied the place as I followed christoph to the living area. I sat down on the elegant sofas making myself comfortable. 

I took my heels off then sat back trying hard to not freeze. This place was really cold.

He took off his jacket and loosened his tie when his attention fell on me. I kept my hands folded tightly, when he put his hand forward. I took it and he gently pulled me up and led me to another room with a huge fireplace, beautiful sofas and carpets. The place was decorated with antique paintings and a large white piano. It even had a minibar.

He let go of my hand and then he walked over to the large fireplace where he began to skillfully lay the firewood. I merely watched admiring everything about him.

He was dangerous yet so gentle, everything about him was so enticing.

The room was soon illuminated by only the dancing flames. He sat before the fire for a moment in silence. "Come here." The authority in his tone.

I walked over to him. My feet melting into the soft feel of the carpet beneath us. I stood over him, then he grabbed my hand pulling me down to him.

"Is this better?" I smiled, nodding.

He turned his attention back to the fire when I leaned into him, laying my head on his shoulder and I wrapped my arms around his waist. He proceeded to place his head on mine wrapping his arms around me.

I felt safe, loved, wanted. I would give everything to have such moments forever with him and only him.

He began to gently caress my thigh, evoking multiple feeling deep within me.

I wanted to feel his touch, deeply than I've ever felt it. But I couldn't ask.

I couldn't feel it for he halted in his actions and pulled away.

He got up and walked away, leaving the room, leaving me. Alone, right in front of the fire. With not a single word spoken. 


Honestly at the beginning of all this I found it hard to write in christoph's POV, but now I honestly think I'm getting better at it as I've gotten to know the character more.  :-)

Also I didn't have it in me to actually described the mansion so I used a picture 

And also we've reached 500 reads. Thank you so much....that really means a lot. ♡

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