Chapter 30

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I dressed my little butterfly up quickly as she kept on nagging me to take her to the park.

We rarely went out. I'd let her go out with Nikolas or Fabiola, sometimes, but with me.... Almost never.

I tried my best not to risk it. I was skeptical about this but if I didn't do it she'd keep bothering me until she gets what she wants.

I carried her to the kitchen and we had our breakfast.

I didn't feel safe, having Nikolas by my side relieved me but now that he was gone.....

I didn't even know when Fabiola would be back.

Brought back to reality, a knock sounded at my door. I glanced at Allegra just to make sure she was okay, then went and opened the door.

"Fabiola." I said, relief evident in my tone.

"Morning miss Kaele." She smiled, as I stepped aside letting her in.

"How's your grandma?" We walked to the kitchen as we spoke. "Abuela's good, I'm glad I at least got to spend some time with her. Oh my!" She exclaimed as she picked up Allegra, "look at you." Allegra giggled, enjoying the attention.

"All dolled up, where you headed?" She asked putting her down and she ran away yelling as loud as she could, "Parkkkk!"

"You're finally going out?" She questioned in excitement.

"I don't think it's a good idea but Yeah." I replied, sounding defeated.

"Come on, it will be fun."

"Do you wanna come with?" I asked.

"Yes please, I need to relax after Abuela's taunts and insults." She exaggerated and I followed with a laugh.

Their grandmother was the only relative they had in America, and they tried as much as they could to keep in touch.

We reached the park.

I looked around, just to make sure we were safe. "Leilani?" She gawked at me.


"Why are you so scared? Its not like someone's gonna hurt us." I gave a forced low laugh. She still didn't know, and it was best if she knew nothing about me.

I jolted, startled by my ringing phone. "Um, I'll be back. Take care please." I said with a concerned face before walking away.

A few minutes later I returned, searching for the two but I couldn't find them.

I took my phone out and called her, "where are you?"

"Leilani..." She sounded worried. 

"What's wrong?"

"I.... I lost Allie."

"What!" My heart sank to the pit of my stomach, as fear and anger engulfed my senses.

"Where are you?"

"By the entrance."

I made it to her and she looked distraught. "Leilani-"

"How could you lose my daughter?!" I fumed, different scenarios flooding my mind. 

"I'm sorry Leilani."

"This is why I didn't want to come here. You look over there and I'll go there." We agreed and parted ways.

My heart pounded in my chest, I was dizzy with fear. I shouldn't have agreed.

I stopped at the sound of familiar laughter. And right in front of me was my daughter in the arms of a man somewhat peculiar.

I matched up to him, "excuse me!" I seethed, my jaw dropping to the ground when he turned around.

"You.." My throat went dry. He smirked, carrying Allegra at his side.

"I couldn't resist." He gave a devilish grinned.

My breathing rate increased, eyes, teared up and I uncontrollably shuddered out of anger. "Give her back." I growled with a deadly glare.

I took her from him and just before I could leave, he spoke, "Won't you let me talk to my daughter this one time?" 

I clenched my fists, shutting my eyes tightly as I tried to contain my anger.

"I know you're angry with me, but please let's talk."

"TALK?! You want to fuckin' talk-"

"Language Leilani-"

"-Don't-" I just remembered that I was holding Allie who burst out in tears. 

"I see that Christoph's mannerisms have rubbed of on you, he's very corrupt."

I hated it, I hated the mere mention of Christoph.

I turned to Walk away when he called out to me, "please Leilani." I turned to him, "I'll be back."

I managed to calm Allegra and left her with Fabiola. I couldn't keep her in the presence of bad company.

I sat down on a bench, keeping a reasonable distance from him. "Please be quick."

"Aren't you going to call me papa like before?" I kept mum, I'd be stupid to call him that after what he did. 

"What's her name?" He asked.


"How old is she?"


"Is she Christoph's?" I glanced at his smiling face with a neutral countenance. "She isn't."

Her arched an eyebrow, "It's evident Leilani, her eyes match his exactly."

"I guess your eyes are betraying you." He chuckled softly. I couldn't even conceal the truth, she literally was a photocopy of Christoph, same stone grey eyes, nose, lips... I could barely see myself in her.

"Does he know?" I kept my gaze on my laps as I shook my head. "Why should he know? She's my daughter not his."

"Speaking of Christoph.." I groaned rolling my eyes, "I don't want to talk about that man, please!"

"I'm glad you escaped, I should have known better than to leave you with him."

"What is all this about? If you have nothing to say just leave!" I shouted, keeping my eyes off him. My father had a certain innocence to his countenance, humbleness.... That's what kept me fooled before and I didn't want to cave into his false concern.

"Your anger is justified, and I know you won't be able to see me the same way you did before. But I want to make amense, I want to start a new life, just you, me and my granddaughter. We could go back to Africa, wherever you want. Christoph would have no clue about our where abouts." I furrowed my eyebrows as his words echoed through my mind. 

Could I trust him? 

"Think about it. There will be no need to live in fear anymore."

He was right, but I wasn't sure, about him and the whole situation. How did he even find me? .......... What is he doing in Glendale?

"I - I need some time." I got up. I felt suffocated, unsure of the whole thing. "I..."

"Here" he handed me a card. "That's my number, you can call me when you've come to a decision." I stared at the card and he gave me a hug that caught me off guard.

"I love you dear."

"I....." I hesitated, "I l-love you too."

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