Weak (short)

78 2 1

thriller era (24).

Mentally preparing myself. Ive got to confess my love for this man.

You can do it.

The worse he could do is reject you....?


And now im nervous all over again...

How could I do this?


Heading over to his house I feel the immediate urge to turn my car around and give up. But if I don't tell him now I'll never gain enough courage to do it.

I knock on the door and anxiously bite my lip as I wait for him to open it, soon after he does and he smiles as he quickly recognizes who's at the door.

"Hey, Y/N! Wassup?" He smiles, and that alone was almost enough to make me pass out.

"Well, I came here to tell you I-"

"Come on in!" He interrupts, unknowingly.

I walk inside and place myself on his tan colored couch. "As I was saying-"

"You want something to drink?" He offers, walking towards the fridge to grab a glass of ice water.

He's going to keep interrupting me if I don't get to the point. "I'm sorta, kinda into you..."  I rush out my words, trying to mush them together but of course he him being my bestfriend he was able to easily decipher exactly what I was saying.

He smirks and licks his lower lip, as he asks me to explain myself- slowly dropping the ice cubes into his drink as he did so.

My mouth runs dry and I feel the blood rush to my head. My heart starts beating quicker. And I feel like passing out and throwing up all at the same time. He walks over to the couch and sits down, my initial reaction being to stand up. He grabs me by the waist and pulls me onto his lap- just as I feel my knees crumble- and I feel myself begin to throb down below.

"Spit it out, my love." He smirks once again, securing me onto his lap with his arms around my waist.

I begin stuttering. Forcing myself to look away from his intimidating gaze, I stare directly out the dimly lit window- it was winter time, the sky was a greyish blue as we were fresh into the morning and small piles of snow stood out in front of the house. I hear him chuckle as if he had known exactly what he had done and how he makes me feel.

I roll my eyes, "why are you laughing?"

"Because your funny." He pecks my cheek, immediately making me turn my head away from him as I didn't want him to know I felt flustered by such a small action.

"You're adorable..." he mutters, burrowing his head into my neck and covering it with kisses.

"So does that mean you like me back?"

"Nah, I give all my female friends kisses." He stated sarcastically. "Yeah Y/N, I do."

"You do what?" You ask with a soft smile, attempting to be petty.

"Like you back..." he smiles back.

I grin and kiss his neck, making him
turn his head expeditiously with a blush as he was just as flustered by me as I was by him.

Song Imagines (MJ eras otw- mature)Where stories live. Discover now