Aryan's first attack and his baby girl

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In the morning Imlie woke up with a jerk and saw she holding Aryan's coller and hands tightly. She was highly embarrassed. Aryan is sleeping on the edge of the bed uncomfortably.
She is thinking about the change of her life.

Aryan opened his eyes and saw his baby girl is in deep thought.

Aryan: I don't like you think so much unnecessary things you know?
You look good when you smile.

Imlie saw Aryan is looking at her still in lying position and she is on him holding his coller and hand.

Imlie: uhhh! Sorry I didn't realised.

Aryan: thank God you didn't!


Aryan: if you have been realised then I  couldn't look at you while sleeping. You look like cute little baby when you curled up to my chest. Trust me I had my best sleep ever.

Imlie's eyes welled up immediately: Aryan please! I know what are you trying to do! But I'm ruined! I'm ravaged! I'm not good enough for you. A perfect man like you can't love a girl like me. Not beautiful like high society girls. You can get much better than me . Whatever you're feeling it must be pity!

Aryan: don't say that. You know what? I've decided to never marry anyone because I had a one-sided feeling towards you. I loved you since college. I used to shout at you just to make you look at me! I liked your simplicity. You're the only one who treated me like normal human being. I love you since I've seen you first time my baby girl. I'm not forcing you to like me back I know you're not ready for it. You were about to get married...

Imlie: I didn't loved Aditya !!! I was with him because my so called parents want me to!

Before Aryan continue anything.

Imlie: I don't know what I feel about you. But all I know, I crave for you already. I've a fear to lose you!  I feel like you're my home! I can't see anything beyond you know! It feels best to see you every morning beside me!

Her tears started flowing from her eyes.
Aryan pulled her on a hug.

Aryan: shhh! Baby girl. I'm here. You can never lose me. I'll wait for you till eternity. Well I've a surprise for you. 

He took her down and switched on the TV.
There was a news of Tripathy industries went bankrupt as all the investers had taken back their money.
Dev is accused of doing fraud in manufacturing in his company. And Malini is charged for drug dealing.
A man admitted to police that Aditya and Dev gave him the money to edit cctv footage to frame imlie as a culprit and gold digger slut.
Police is about to arrest dev.

A wave of variant emotions rushing through Imlie's mind. She couldn't control herself to break in Aryan's arm .

Imlie: is it bad I'm feeling happy at their miseries? I'm feeling a pleasure in this?

Mohit: no beta! It's good! It means you're learning to respect yourself beyond anyone else.
Waise beta? You used to do a job right? Why don't you join again?

Imlie: they've fired me! 

Mohit: don't worry I have something for you then!

Imlie: but I've my documents on my previous house.

Aryan : don't worry I asked your mother to carry them .

Mohit: I looked through them. I found that Aryan has started many new ventures I want a qualified C.A to join in this venture. I've seen your records you're exceptionally wonderful in your job.  You'll get your desired salary and until you're comfortable you can work from home. By the way I've appointed a lawyer for you.
Aryan will take you there.

Imlie: thanks uncle!

Mohit: i heard you call Narmada as maa! Then why don't you call me Papa?
Imlie hugged him : papa!

Aryan: let's go watch movies  in my room. Mohan bhaiya just give us two big pizza and a bowl of cheese popcorn please ! He pulled imlie towards upwards.

Narmada: Mohit! See these children are so happy with eachother right?

Mohit: we were not able to save Radhika . We will save imlie at any cost.
Narmada: Aryan is happy with her. You know why I didn't stopped her from destroying these people? I want everyone to know how imlie felt! How radhika felt!!

Mohit: don't you think imlie and aru look good together?

Narmada: good? Are you crazy ? They look like made in heaven couple!

Here in Aryan's room imlie sits  beside Aryan.

Aryan pulled her towards him.

Aryan: I love to hold you!

Imlie: me too!

Aryan pulled her hair opened: keep this like this!

Imlie: now don't complaint if this flew to your nose.

Aryan: lets go for an outing tomorrow.

Imlie: i don't have dress to wear.

Aryan: I'll take care of that baby girl.

Imlie: why you keep calling me baby girl?

Aryan: that's my hidden reason baby girl. He winked at her.
Imlie: ugggghhhh! I don't like when you do this!

She pouted.

Aryan: i love when you pout like a kid .

Imlie: don't do this naa please!
She hides herself in his arms. He hugged her back laughingly.

Precap: outing and Aryan's version of flashback.

I was about to give two updates but i typed this in one chapter. I'm too lazy after I kept fast due to puja .

Happy diwali lovelies ♥️.

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