Therapy part 2

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Today is second session of therapy. Imlie is quite comfortable than first day. 
Jai went inside the study room with imlie. Today Aryan is not present. She is alone with him.

Jai: today we gonna talk about the unwanted touches you've ever faced before this incident. Just talk about whatever you remember.

Imlie: my first unwanted touch when I was 5 years old at orphanage. A man who used to work there tired to touch my private parts. I didn't understand until a didi told me that is bad touch.
I was scared. He had threatened me that everybody will hate me once they know about this. They will throw me out from home. Once he caught by matron herself when he was misbehaving with another child.
I was always bullied, misbehaved by boys of my school as I was orphan. Once a boy of my school tried to grab me from behind. I was in class vii .My  body was more developed from others. He grabbed me and dragged me into the corner and touched me everywhere. A peon of the school saw him and complaint the teachers but teachers did nothing as he was from some influential family. The only man treated me with respect is Aryan. Because I know even my classmates from college used to talk dirty about me .

By this she broke down . She started crying badly.
Jai didn't stopped her as she needed this break down.

Imlie: I want to live a normal life only. Why can't I do so? Is it my fault that my parents left me? If they hated me so much why they didn't killed me?

Jai: we don't know if they left you or they are just separated from you. Who knows may be they still looking for you! Don't think nobody loves you. You're hard to be hated. Trust me!
Now take a deep breath. Close your eyes relax and lay down on sofa.

Imlie calmed down a bit from breathing exercise. She drifted into the sleep.

Aryan already came by then.

Jai : Aryan she needs you . She trusts you. She has been molested Many times in her life. Handle her carefully.

Aryan rushed inside. Saw Imlie sleeping hugging her blazer which he left there in morning.
He picked her up slowly.
Imlie recognised the touch and holds his shirt collar tightly. Snuggled into his chest.

Aryan couldn't help but smiled see her snoring softly against his chest.

He tried to lay down her on bed but she whimpered in sleep and snuggled on to him more.

Imlie: noo! Please! Don't leave me!

Aryan: baby it's ok! I'm here sleep. I'm sleeping beside you.
He picked her forehead and started patting her slowly. She again snuggled into him and curled up like a little baby against him. He gathered her in his arms and closed his eyes.

Precap: lawyers meet and secret about Imlie's real parents.

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