the Twist in Tale

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Imlie tried to shout but she can't. All of a sudden she felt someone is hugging her tightly. She tried to move but stopped After feeling the touch.

She can't believe herself for once.

Aryan!!!!!!! Her love !!! How could he do this thing ?????

Aryan removed her face cover.

Imlie: how could you!!!?? I thought you love me!!!

Her voice broke at the end.

Aryan: baby girl listen please. I did this for you !! Trust me.

He started sharing the plan


Satyakam: my sources said Dev is planning to kill My daughter.

Aryan: I'm gonna kill him by myself!!!!

Ishaan: hold on angry young man! He don't deserve that easy death.

Satyakam: I've a plan. I'll contact the commissioner. Dev will try to kidnap her when she will be alone.  Ishaan will take her to shopping you will kidnap her from there without noticing anyone. And a female police officer will take her place ok her get up .

Aryan: but why I have to kidnap her? Can't we tell her?

Ishaan: no! They're following her. Once you will tell her they might get to know.

Aryan: I'm in!!

Flashback end

Imlie: but ...

Aryan: no but baby. Just wait and watch.

Aryan's phone rang

Aryan: hello!!!


Aryan : great part one is successful.

Precap: hunting down the devil

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