Haunting down the Evil

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Dev came into the room with a gun in his hand . He has to end the reason of all his trouble. Imlie is the reason he has to kill his wife.
He removed the face cover but before he could realise he girl kicked him hard. He fall at the ground.
It's not Imlie. His men kidnapped someone else. 

The girl: you're under arrest Mr. Devdutt.

Dev tried to run away but caught by the police.

Police Arrested him.

After few days

In Rathore Mansion today is happiest day. Aryan is getting married to Imlie. Vipul Malini and Aditya got life imprisonment. Dev got death sentence.

Aryan is being highly impatient and grumpy like a kid.

Aryan: uhhh who made this stupid ritual? Why I can't see my would be wife? You guys should've told me. I should've been go for court marriage then.

Ishaan: patience is virtue . Hold on buddy. She is yours only.

Aryan: patience my ass.

Ishaan laughed loudly.

Finally everyone took a breath as Aryan got his baby girl so wouldn't roar like lion on everyone.

Mohit: I didn't thought my son can be this  much  crazy . Poor imlie.

Narmada: stop pulling his leg please. He is your son.

Mohit: what? I said the right thing.

Narmada: yes whatever!!

Satyakam meethi and Ishaan cried when they has to do bidaai of imlie.

Imlie: please stop crying! Otherwise I won't be going.

Aryan: what!!!!!

Everyone started laughing at Aryan's expression.

Ishan laughed out loudly: princess don't give him heart attack. Otherwise your husband will be eating is now.

Aryan: Very funny. Don't forget you're going to get married also.

Ishaan: I won't be marrying the craziest girl of the world like you did!

Imlie: bhaiyaaaaa!!!!

That's it .

Imlie started running behind her brother.

Aryan face palmed himself.

Imlie's therapist and lawyers was controlling their laugh.

The parents were happy for their children.

Precap: epilogue.

* I'll be updating new story also. From tomorrow*

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