Chapter Seventeen

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Warning: Mature Themes

With a groan he kissed her back with equal fervour, taking the kiss from slow and sensual to hot and all-consuming in an instant. Now driving his fingers inside her at a furious pace, swallowing her every moan to keep her quiet and the rest of the team unaware of what was happening inside their tent.

He briefly wondered what Tobias would make of this before pushing the thought away, he didn't care what the man thought, he played no part in this.

Izzy bucked and writhed beneath him, her breathing coming in sharp pants between his kisses, the coil winding deep within her belly.

Crooking his fingers inside her he rubbed his rough fingers over her the bundle of nerves inside her firmly, making her jerk in his grasp and cry out as the coil snapped, her orgasm hitting her like a tonne of bricks, with years of sexual tension finally being let loose.

Eric slammed his mouth down on hers to stifle her cries as she shook beneath him, back arched riding out her high, slowing the pace of his fingers to ease her back down to earth she gradually quieted, sagging boneless at his side.

She whimpered as he withdrew his fingers from her, removed his hand from her trousers, and licked his fingers clean, chuckling at her shocked expression.

Izzy laid both hands across her flushed face feeling it redden as the shame set it, she couldn't even blame it all on Eric, she'd more than willingly participated in the end. She already dreaded to think what her friends would think of her if they found out, the thought of Tobias's shocked face finally forcing her to drop her hands.

Fixing a still amused Eric with a pointed expression "If you tell anyone..." she started.

Eric laughed, though she swore she saw a flash of pain cross his eyes "As if I'd tell anyone" He responded levelly with his usual smirk.

"You wouldn't?" she questioned.

"Of course not. That would be a sure-fire way to make sure it never happened again" he shook his head "And Babe, I want that to happen again" he whispered a look in his eye that was pure carnal lust.

Izzy audibly gulped.

The sound of a zipper catching their attention they both looked up shocked, as someone pulled on the zip from the outside. Scuttling sideways, Izzy attempted to arrange her face in what she hoped was an innocent impassive expression that didn't at least scream guilt, but the snicker Eric shot in her direction suggested she hadn't succeeded.

"Everything alright in here? I thought I heard a shout" Tobias' voice asked "Eric you better be behaving" he added as his head came into view.

Izzy was just grateful he didn't enter the tent, registering with a pang that it must reek of sex after their morning's escapade.

Tobias paused looking between a flushed and embarrassed Izzy and a smirking Eric confused, thankfully for Izzy he would never even have considered what had just transpired between them as remotely possible, so he interpreted the reason for Izzy's embarrassment to be the joined sleeping bags.
"Izzy..." he started "Why are your sleeping bags zipped together?" He closed his mouth quickly clamping down on the urge to laugh.

Izzy rolled her eyes, though sagged relieved that he hadn't asked a worse question "It got cold alright, lack of options"

Tobias switched his gaze to Eric who grinned and winked at him "I wasn't going to turn down a chance to corrupt the stiff now was I" Izzy sighed as Erudite Eric returned.

Discreetly rebuttoning her combats she scrambled upright, crawling out of the tent at top speed, leaping out into the fresh air and putting as much distance between her and Eric as possible.

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