Chapter Eight

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Stalking from the steamy room, Izzy snatched up her towel she began to rapidly drying herself off desperate to get out of there.

Eric followed her out, a towel now wrapped around him, slung low on his hips. Leaning against one of the lockers he watched her furious movements with a lazy grin on his face.

"Fuck off Eric" She ground out, refusing to look at him.

He shrugged, pushing off the locker with his shoulder and walked towards her "I really don't see what the big deal is?"

Pausing in the act of pulling on a fresh pair of panties from the stock regulation clothes in the lockers, Izzy looked up at him mouth agape "You can't be serious?"

He shrugged again. removing his towel and starting to dry himself off unnecessarily slowly.

Izzy hastily averted her eyes, reaching for a clean vest top and wrenching it over her head "You're unbelievable" she spat at him.

"Thank you" he responded smugly.

Izzy rolled her eyes yanking a pair of training pants up her legs "Why do you hate him so much?" she asked against her better judgement, intrigued as to what Tobias could have possible done in such a short time.

"I don't hate him" he responded at once "I'm just better than him, and I don't like his face"

"How mature" she snarled.

"I don't know why you're so angry with me, you were the one that was about to fuck me in the shower mere feet away from your boyfriend" Eric countered.

"I wasn't going to fuck you" she gasped out, face colouring slightly as she lied to herself as well as him.

"Sure you weren't" he sniggered, finally pulling on a fresh pair of boxers.

Turning Izzy fixed him with a withering look "No, I wasn't, and not that it's any of your business, but for the record Tobias isn't my boyfriend, he's my friend period. So whatever issue you have with him going forward, leave me out of it"

Eric watched her stalk from the room in a towering temper with his mouth hanging open and disappointment etched across his face.

Izzy raced back to their dorm, pausing briefly outside the door to calm her frazzled nerves, had she really just done that?

She hated herself for the way she responded to Eric's advances, but she hated herself even more for not being able to stop thinking about the feel of his lips on hers, the touch of his hands, the feel of his erection pressing insistently against her, even as she hated him.

"Dammit" she muttered aloud, squeezing her thighs together, bitterly it occurred to her she could probably do with a cold shower, but there was no way she was going back there.

Sighing she hitched what she hoped was a neutral expression on her face, entering the dorm to general calls of "about time", "we thought you drowned" and "Hurry up and change already"

Tobias watched her curiously she seemed out of sorts and twitchy, though she'd been fine when they entered the shower block.

He politely averted his eyes as Izzy changed rapidly into the ripped black cargo pants and loose white T-shirt out of which peeked her black vest top that she'd picked up in the pit during their first week. Yanking on her black boots she declared "Ready"

Mara cheered grapping her by the wrist and dragging her from the room "We decided to get tattoos too, while you were gone"

They chattered animatedly amongst themselves as they headed for the pit, the centre of life at Dauntless, here they could get everything they needed or could ever want, new clothes, tattoos, and haircuts. There was even a bar and a club in the cavernous hall next door and a paint ball arena beyond it, from which appeared paint splattered Dauntless every few minutes.

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