We'll Meet Again

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         New York, 2044

     Two men ran down the New York streets that were covered in debris, aside from the two, they were vacant of life. The taller male, a turtle mutant clutched a photo of his family, crinkling the paper lightly as his grip tightened. Beside the turtle was a boy, maybe early 20s, who was supporting the turtle's weight as they ran down the street. These two were none other than Casey Jones and Leonardo, a couple of the few survivors in this world.

     They panted heavily as a battle raged before them, but they weren't running toward it, they were trying to retreat, the turtle was badly injured and needed a place to rest. Anywhere you looked, large robots controlled by hideous creatures littered the city.

     "I got you, Sensei," Casey reassured the older man as they ran. "Stay with me."

     "You're a lifesaver, Casey Jones," the turtle held that grin he wore, even in the worst of times. If he showed any fear, it was all over. In this world, there was no room for weakness.

     "I learned from the best," the mask raised to reveal Casey's face. "Come on, we're almost there," they trudged uphill, trying not to slow down as they were shot at. Seeing the fallen head of the Statue of Liberty wasn't too relieving when they saw the surrounding alien dogs.

     "Bad doggies!" a voice scolded as lightning whipped them away from the two heroes before forming solid orange chains.

     "Impeccable timing, little brother," Leo grinned from his place on the ground; he and Casey had fallen when they were nearly pounced. "Very dramatic."

     Another turtle hovered before them, his eyes glowing orange as he controlled the chains. He threw his arms in separate directions, sending chains in each direction to destroy the alien dogs. The glowing attack alerted a new hoard in their direction, albeit they moved a little slower.

     Casey helped Leo against the fallen head as the turtle held his hand to his stomach, applying pressure in hopes of stopping the bleeding, but to no avail. "Help him, Michelangelo. He's hurt bad," Casey told the other turtle, desperation in his eyes. Leo pulled his hand away, giving a glance at his bloodied hand as a plan formed in his head.

     "That's it. The resistance failed. The Kraang won," Leo looked out at the massacre on the battlefield while his younger brother stared at him in worry. "But. . . but it isn't over. We've still got a ninja's greatest weapon. . . hope," his voice faltered as he spoke, his injury beginning to affect him. "That and a badass mystic warrior," he turned to his brother, trying not to look solemn. "Mikey, we need a time gateway."

     The younger turtle's eyes widened; he knew what would happen if he did that, they both knew. "It'll take everything I have," he spoke softly, gazing at his brother who pushed down his pain, trying not to topple over.

     "I know, but this is our last chance," he reasoned. He would miss his brother, but he knew that he would join him again soon. "It's our only chance," the younger turtle's face became one of determination as he flew to a spot not too far away to get to work.

     "Wait, what's going on? Where is he going?" Casey watched the turtle with furrowed brows.

     "Casey, listen," Leo motioned for the younger boy's attention. Mikey landed not too far away, electricity sparking around him as he drew a circle around himself as he charged up to form the gateway. "The Kraang first came to our planet through a mystic doorway," he held the photo gently once more, examining it one last time before placing it face down in front of him and picking up a charred rock. "The key that opened the doorway looked like this," he drew on the back of the photo as Casey crouched beside him, staring intently.

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