Our Heroes

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         ~The Turtles~

     "Raph, go," Leo ordered his brother who paused for a moment. A tear pricked Leo's eyes at the sacrifice he was making.

     "On it!" Raph pulled Y/n's arm as he launched himself off the ship, through the portal Leo made for them, and after his brothers. Raph caught up quickly, pulling his brothers to his plastron while making sure not to hurt the young adult he was holding either. "Gotcha! Don't worry, Donnie!" Raph's mystic form took shape as he turned his back on the collision course as he wrapped tightly into a ball. "This is not a hug. It's a rescue!"

      The snapping turtle let out a grunt of pain as the mystic form broke on impact, scattering the team on the island. "Where are we? Staten Island?" Mikey popped out of his shell beside Raph while Y/n sat up rubbing their head, feeling a sticky substance stick to their hand.

     "Oh, gross," Donnie sat up from the rubble as a chill ran up his spine. "So, how would everyone rate that rescue experience? Unsatisfied? Very unsatisfied? Wish Donnie would have done it? Mm-hmm," the boy toppled over once more."

     "Donnie," Raph scolded. "Leo's still up there," he glanced up in fear, his brothers doing the same.

     "Donnie?" the soft voice of his partner gained the turtle's attention and he quickly moved to help. He took the side of their face as he looked for the source of the bleeding and noticed a gash on the side of their head. It wasn't too deep, so it wouldn't require stitches. He pulled out the first aid kit from his shell, grateful Y/n insisted on keeping one on hand.

     "I'm so sorry this all happened," Donnie quietly apologized as he dug for disinfectant and a large bandage to cover the wound. Y/n let out a small hiss at the stinging feeling of it but smiled. Their face tilted down with Donnie's hand as he placed the band-aid on their temple.

     "Donnie, I chose danger when I chose you. I don't regret it," Y/n's hands searched for his cheek, cupping it as he held a hand over theirs. They couldn't see the adoration he felt at that moment, but they could feel the soft kiss he placed atop their head before he hugged them tightly. "I love you, Donatello Hamato," Y/n said quietly.

     "I love you, too, Y/n L/n," he said just as softly as the young adult hugged back.


     Leo dug his sword into the ground as he pushed himself up, tears welling in his eyes as he took in that he was alone once more. Some distance away, the Kraang landed, a gust of wind almost knocking the boy over. The blue turtle slowly stood up, ripping the sword out of the ground. He fell over at the force, grunting in pain.

     The Kraang marched over, tail whipping behind him like an angry cat. Leo's eyes narrowed as he wore a determined look, not wanting the alien to see his fear. "Casey. Casey, come in," Leo spoke into the communicator.

     "Sensei, I'm here," the boy's voice responded a few seconds later. "And I've got eyes on the key. Just tell me when you're home free, and I'll pull the plug," Leo took a deep breath as he glanced at the approaching figure; he knew what he had to do.

     "Casey, listen to me. When I get to the other side, you close that door," Leo told the boy, everyone listening in horror.

     "What? Sensei, no!" he denied the order in disbelief.

     "Casey, it's the only way. He's too strong," Leo reasoned with the ravenette. "He's not gonna stay on the other side unless I keep him there."

     "There has to be another way!" Casey argued, not wanting to lose Leo another time to the same evil.

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