He Knew!

745 19 14

        ~Normal POV~

     "Let's make sure their visit is short and sweet," Raph pointed his sai at the fleshy beast. The monster stepped further out to explore its new surroundings.

     "I'm finally free!" a shriek left its body as it showed off its pointed teeth. "The people of this planet will pay for what they've done to me."

     "Welcome to Earth," Raph made his presence known as he vaulted up onto the platform. "I hope you don't enjoy your stay!" the giant fist formed around his own as he swung at the alien. The beast easily blocked the attack and wrapped a tentacle around Raph's neck to hold him in place.

     I adjusted my grip on my staff as I stood with Casey and Donnie. Mikey whipped a nunchuck at him while April swung her bat from the opposite side. He raised two more tentacles to block the incoming attacks. He hit away any attack that came his way and knocked us back.

     "Enough tricks!" the Kraang said, aggravated by the onslaught we brought on him. I shielded my face as a bright wave flew at us, the beast screaming with weird speakers or gills stuck out from his neck. Donnie braced himself as I glanced back at the boy that I was standing in front of.

     Raph hopped in front of us, his mystic form shielding us from the attack. The giant disappeared and I glanced up at Leo who was hit by the wave first. He waved his sword, but nothing happened; no portal, nothing. "Leo!" I shouted as the Kraang leaped for him. He used his swords to block the attack and he got blown back, landing in front of us.

     "Raph, what happened to our powers?" Mikey swung his nunchucks, but no chains formed from them.

     "Th. . . They're gone," Donnie's brows creased as he tightly held the staff.

     "What did they do to us?" Leo seemed the most lost. It had taken him a while to get his portals to be perfect, now he was without them.

     "Brother, sister, join me," the Kraang stood before the portal to call more of his kind onto Earth. "Time for us to finish remaking this universe in the image of Kraang," a Kraang of the same stature as well as a shorter one entered through the gateway, a feminine laughter erupted from one as she jumped up to the first Kraang.

     "How I've waited for this day," she commented and I clenched the tech staff I owned.

     "Indeed," the first Kraang nodded. "Brother, widen the portal and retrieve our ship, the Technodrome. Once it is here, this world will kneel before us."

     "Oh, if you two don't mind, I haven't killed anything in ages," the sister let out another cackle at her words. She jumped for us and Raph blocked the attack. She seemed much stronger than the first Kraang we face, her moved her bloodthirsty and destructive as she aimed to take all of us out.

     "Splinter! Raph!" I yelled as the two flew through a wall when the sister Kraang whipped Splinter by the tail. My eyes shifted around my surroundings as I looked for any way to win this fight, but saw nothing as a leg whipped under me sending me to the ground once more.

     "Retreat!" Raph ordered as I struggled to get on my feet once more.

     "Retreat? We don't retreat!" Leo argued with his brother, not wanting to believe the demand he just heard.

     "Leo, for once, listen to me. They're too powerful and Dad's hurt," I could hear the pain and fear in Raph's voice as he tried to reason with his brother.

     "You don't understand," Casey shouted at Raph, he knew more about where this would lead than anybody. "If we don't close that doorway, it's only gonna get worse.

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