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          ~The Turtles~

    "Hull integrity: 4%. Breach imminent. Good luck," the Tank warned the boys who were huddled together inside. Steam hissed and electricity crackled as the Tank was slowly crushed.

     "Whew, good," Mikey wore an optimistic smile while Donnie glanced around nervously. "We have an imminent amount of time."

     "'Imminent' means 'soon,' Mikey," Donnie informed the boy, whose optimism became fear, hiding in his shell slightly. His eyes narrowed determinedly.

     "Don't worry. I'll save us with my mystic hands," he spun around and strained as he attempted to for a portal like Casey said he could do. "Casey must have been wrong about me," he glanced between his hands when he couldn't do it. The roof caved in a bit more and Mikey watched in horror. "This is it, Donnie," he shook his brother's shoulders violently. "We're gonna get crushed!" They hugged each other tightly as they screamed, tears pricking at Donnie's eyes.

     "Knock-knock!" a familiar voice called from outside the Tank.

     "April?" Mikey asked as he regained that hopeful glimmer in his eyes.

     "Anyone order a rescue?" the boys could hear the fight outside the Tank before it clunked to the ground and the door opened to reveal the girl and their father.

     "April!" Mikey tackled the dark-skinned girl in a hug, happy to be alive. "You saved us!" Splinter's tail wrapped around Donnie to pull him into the hug as well.

     "Uncomfortable with emotion!" Donnie didn't try to move from the hug, despite not wanting part in it.

     "Where are Leo and Y/n? And, uh, Future Boy?" Splinter asked his sons.

     "Somewhere in there," Mikey pointed into the hole surrounded by the Kraang over-growth.

     "Faster! They're this way," the female Kraang ordered in the distance and everyone tensed up. "I can smell them," she let out a laugh and Donnie screamed as the footsteps grew closer.

     "She found us! We gotta move now," April told the boys and they took off to try and find safety.


     Leo and Casey forced open the elevator doors and climbed out, trying to avoid touching the Kraang vines that surrounded them. "Oh man, is this what the future looks like?" Leo asked as the boys walked further into the building.

     "Nope, the future is worse. Much worse," Casey recalled the life he had lived in the bio-growth.

     "Donnie, Mikey, Y/n, do you read me?" Leo asked out worriedly into his communicator.

     "Come in, Leo," the purple turtle's voice rang out and Leo let out a relieved sigh.

     "Donnie! Donnie, where are you?" he queried, needing to make sure his brother was all right.

     "We've extracted from the subway and are ascending a staircase," he reached the top of the stairs and turned the corner, not noticing the two boys behind him. "I'm getting a lot of interference, but if you hold still, I can triangulate your position using a complex geo-location algorithm," Donnie rambled on as the rest of the group reunited.

     "Uh, Donnie?" Casey raised an unsure hand that Leo pushed down as he watched his younger twin.

     "Odd numbers, primes, no. . . almost," he typed intensely on his tech gauntlet. "Almost!" Splinter cleared his throat to catch his son's attention. "Ugh. I never get to use my algorithm," he pouted as he turned to face his family.

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