From My Nightmares

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        ~Normal POV~

     I stood beside Donnie inside the lair as Raph scolded Leo for the umpteenth time tonight and it was getting on my nerves. "I clearly said, 'I got it.' Everybody heard me say, 'I got it,'" he walked after Leo, who headed toward his room.

     "Yeah, but I got it with style," Leo shrugged as he spun around so he couldn't see Raph anymore, resting his hands behind his head as he strutted away.

     "But you didn't get it!" Raph yelled. Mikey, Donnie, and I stared at the duo, concern and worry clear on our faces. "You lost it, and now we've got a Foot Clan situation, Leo," the buff turtle let out an annoyed groan as his brother kept walking, completely unbothered by the situation.

     A fist shot out of the room that Donnie and Mikey were leaning in the windows of to eavesdrop while I kept my distance. This was something the brothers had to work out on their own. The two ducked down to avoid the fist while Leo jumped out unscathed.

     "No wonder you always want to train," Leo teased as Raph stormed out after him. "You really need the practice," Mikey moved in front of Leo as a human shield, knowing Raph wouldn't do anything while he was blocking him.

     "Let him go, Mikey," Raph's fists formed once more the closer he got. Donnie hopped on the snapping turtle, wrapping his hands around his neck to try and hold him back.

     "Wait! No!" Donnie's chokehold did nothing as he sprinted toward his brother.

     "Boys!" Splinter's voice caught everyone's attention. "Stop this arguing!" Donnie slipped off Raph's back and stood quietly beside me. I let my pinky wrap around his, and he linked his to mine, not taking his eyes off his father's fuming figure.

     "But, Dad, Leo keeps--" Splinter's tail slapped to Raph's mouth to shut him up.

     "Buh-buh-buh-buh, buh," he silenced the boy. "No more. You are a team. You are brothers," he jabbed a nail into both boys' plastrons. "And most importantly, you are too loud!" he cried out, ears pressing to his head as he glared at the boys. "I cannot hear my TV show! Tristan finally proposed to Annabelle, but did she say yes? I don't know because of you!" his face fell flat to mask his annoyance. "Be the ninjas I taught you to be, respectful and quiet!"

     Donnie and I moved to his room. It was pretty different from how it was in the old lair before it got destroyed, that is.

     "I get that I made the whole 'Heal your inner child' argument, but I think that at this point, Leo is just purposely defying Raph," I rambled as I leaned against the wall beside him. Donnie stayed quiet as I groaned. "I need to stop thinking about this whole thing before I pop a blood vessel or something of the sort," Donnie ruffled my hair and offered me a grin before a knock sounded and April's head peaked through the doorway.

     "April!" I hopped from my seat on the bed to tackle the girl. "I feel like I haven't seen you in ages!" the girl hugged me tightly back and shot a smile at Donnie.

     "As much as I love this reunion, we got a bit of a thing," she pulled back from me and nodded her head toward the living room. "When you guys are ready," she jokingly winked and walked out of the room.

     Donnie and I entered the living room together to see the rest of the family gathered there and a boy with long hair and strange futuristic clothes tied to a chair. "And then I saw that picture and brought him here," April explained the situation. Donnie leaned on the back of Splinter's chair as I stood beside him and leaned my back against his side, reaching over the chair to grab a piece of popcorn fast enough for the rat to not notice, or care.

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