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         ~The Turtles~

     Donnie and Mikey grunted as they tried to push themselves up, the Kraang-ified Y/n jumping down and harshly pushing on their shells with sharp talons. The ruckus caught the attention of the Kraang who was flying the ship. An unamused expression covered his face as he watched the scene unfold.

     "Uh, new plan," Mikey struggled to flip over and knock Y/n off balance. "Run!" they took off to get away from the screeching young adult.

     Leo was running down a path, stumbling to catch his balance as he turned down another hall where a light shone through. He quietly made his way into the room which looked like the floor was lava. He walked further in to look out the window and at the destruction of his home

     The eye on the ceiling gazed down at him and the original Kraang stared down at him from upon a throne. The narrowed pupil blew up and Leo spun around quickly, pulling out an odachi. "Surprise," he smirked coolly to brush off his anxiety. "I've come for my family," he pointed the sword at the Kraang.

     "Let me guess," the suit of armor leaned on its head on its hand. "Duty," Leo chuckled a bit at the word.

     "He said doodie," he wore a childish grin as he held the sword in two hands. The Kraang motioned his arm forward, allowing Raph to spring into action.

     The Kraang-ified snapping turtle took heavy steps toward the smaller boy who had no intentions to harm his brother. "Raph, you're coming with me, whether you like it or not," Leo narrowed his eyes in focus as his only reply was a harsh screech. "I don't want to fight you, but I will if I have to," he pulled the second odachi off his shell.

     "Oh, you will have to," the Kraang chuckled as he watched the amusedly. Raph shrieked and charged for Leo. The blue ninja glared as he sprinted forward, using his swords the block Raph's attack. He tried to stay defensive rather than be on offense and hurt his brother.


     The brother Kraang who was guiding the ship was growing rather irked by the two turtles that were dodging the senseless attacks from the Kraang zombie. Tentacles whipped out and aimed for the boys, and they dodged to the best of their ability. One swung for Mikey leaped up and cowered in his shell, resulting in it smacking the brother Kraang from his spot controlling the ship.

     "Y/n, please, can you hear me?" Donnie held his staff before him, trying to keep the claws of his partner from digging into his skin. "I know that I'm no good at emotions and I don't say this a lot, but I love you," the two bounced away from each other as the Kraang-ified Y/n screeched and glared at the boy.

     "The world is ending, and I need you," tears pricked at his eyes as he admitted his feelings, something that was hard for him to do. "I don't want to hurt you, Y/n," his eyes searched the young adult's face for any type of response. The zombie froze, seeming to fight with their own thoughts, trying to overpower the Kraang, but it didn't seem to work.

     "Y/n?" the young adult looked at the smaller turtle. They darted after the boy and he watched them approach with worried eyes. Donnie chased after his partner, tackling them down before they could hurt his brother. "Y/n, please come back. I'm so scared," Mikey's voice shook as his hands twitched nervously, gaining both Donnie's and Y/n's attention. Tears began flowing down the box turtle's cheeks and the Kraang-ified young adult's expression softened.

     "Donnie? Mikey?" fear shone through the weird Kraang goop that covered Y/n's eyes. "What am I doing?" their voice wavered as they backed away when Donnie stood back up. "Why do I want to hurt you so bad? I'm supposed to be part of the team. I just want to be a part of the team," a tear slid down their cheek from under the mask, leaking from their own eye.

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