Ooey and Gooey

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        ~Normal POV~

     "What is that thing?" Casey stared at the vehicle in amazement.

     We entered the Tank and leaned on Donnie's seat. My finger's moved to fidget with the goggles carefully so I wouldn't break them, my brain just needed a distraction. "Hold on to your gluteus maximi!" Donnie stepped on the gas and the Tank took off.

     "The Turtle Tank, baby!" Mikey informed the human with a smile. "It's how we roll in the past. "I mean, the present. I mean. . ." Mikey confused himself the more he spoke, Donnie keeping his eyes focused on the road as the others conversed. "Time travel's confusing," Mikey pouted.

     "They're on the move," Donnie tapped the screen as he watched the Raph-head blip move across the map. "According to the subcutaneous tracker I put on Raph--"

     "Wait," Leo cut off Donnie from his spot on Raph's chair. "does that mean you put trackers on all of us?" the boys all narrowed their eyes at Donnie while I snickered quietly. How did they think he always knew where to find them?

     "'No'?" he offered, trying to see if it was the right answer. "No, of course I did. . . n't," he said slowly before focusing back on the map. "Based on their trajectory, they're headed. . ."

     ". . . to the tallest building in the city," Casey finished for the turtle.

     "That's right, Metro Tower," Donnie stared at the map with a raised brow.

     "I heard the story so many times as a kid, but I never thought. . . 'And behold, from their perch atop New York City, the Kraang ripped open the sky itself. What came out was terror, and what rained down upon us was worse than death,'" the Tank fell silent as Casey recalled the story he was told as a child.

     "They told that to kids?" Mikey exclaimed after another moment of silence. "Man, the future is harsh."

     "Well, I'm not gonna let that happen," Leo spoke next. "We need to get into Metro Tower without being spotted. We'll take the subway tunnels."

     "Subway tunnels don't offer much in the way of an escape if we need it," Donnie glanced back to look at his brother. "Are you sure about this?"

     "Yeah, maybe we should--" Mikey spun in his chair to try and reason with the boy, but got cut off by Leo.

     "Guys, we're doing this my way. Remember?" the blue turtle spoke sternly. Mikey turned back in his seat, sharing a worried look with Donnie. The purple turtle focused back on the road.

     I stared down the dark tunnels nervously. It was too quiet for me to relax as we drove further down the tunnels. "See? Smooth sailing. We'll have Raph in no time," Leo reassured us, but it did little to calm me down.

     "I hope he's okay," Mikey glanced at Donnie who didn't take his eyes off the road ahead of us. "How are we gonna find him once we get there?"

     "I have a lot of questions regarding 'once we get there,'" Donnie turned his head, his eyes remaining on the road. I held onto the back of his seat, leaning my head on the leather as I calmed my nerves.

     "Relax, guys," I glanced back to see Leo roll his eyes at their concern. "We'll do what we always do. Ninja in, ninja their faces, ninja out," he kept a stern gaze looking out the window.

     "That's exactly how you freed all those families from the Kraang labor camp," Casey said excitedly.

     "Yeah, that sounds like me," Leo said in agreement.

     "In the future, you guys are beyond amazing," Casey's statement caught Donnie's attention and he glanced back. "The mystic powers you're able to harness from within are on a whole other level." 

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