GOTN Chap 21 - Waiting For Maire

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"They said he got shot by a poisoned arrow... Vrieya I think they use those arrows in war too..." Kircee said. That scared me even more... But then I realized something. My necklace can heal as well!

Last year's summer vacation all we did was learn about my necklace and not learn how to use it. I remember I can use it to heal! "Jake train me! I can use my necklace to heal remember?!" I asked in excitement. "No..." He replied. "What...?" I asked.

"V-Vrieya, y-you can only d-do that o-once you h-have experience..." He added. What... For the whole day Jake was gloomy. At lunch he didn't even touch his food. "C'mon Jake, just at least a spoonful." We tried to get him to eat.

We were all down for the day... "Vrieya, Mia dears, did something happen in school?" My mom asked. "We just heard that Jake's dad has been poisoned and can't be healed with a Hireie holder, and that the poison was from an arrow that the Traileeor kingdom is using..." I replied.

"T-Traileeor...? Isn't that the kingdom your brother is fighting...?" She asked. "Mhm..." I replied. It was silent for a while... "Why don't we all get ice cream? Mia, could you call your parents for me?" My dad came in and asked.

"Okay uncle" Mia replied as she went upstairs. We all ate out for dinner. As we were waiting for our order, the tv caught my eyes. Usually, I don't care about news. But this time I saw the military logo?

I don't know but it's the logo on Maire's uniform! It says that they... They won! "Mia Mia Mia Mia!!!!" I yelled. "Yo yo what???" She asked. "They won the war!" I yelled in excitement and relief.

"Omg really?!" She yelled. "Mom! Maire's army team whatever but they won!" I yelled. "Really?!" She yelled as well. We were all happy. Maire's coming home! With that information, we were all happily eating dinner. But then it hit me...

"What if he was one of the few who didn't make it...?" I asked. Horrified by the thought... "Let's all hope he is not a part of them okay?" My dad said. "Okay..." I said. "Have you heard the news?!" Mason cam yelling at us!

"Where did you come from?" I asked. "I thought Maire was home... Aww man..." He said in disappointment. "We still have to wait." I replied. He ordered his own food and joined us.

Then we heard a helicopter landing? One of the employees of the restaurant went out to see what was happening. We were in an open space area and there was only a restaurant and grass, not even trees. The other people started to go out too, to see what was happening.

Until one of the employees went back in and yelled "GET OUR BEST TABLE SPOT AND OUR BEST UNTENSILS! VEIRO IS HERE! HE MIGHT GIVE US A RATING!" She yelled. "Oh wow look Veiro's here too" Mia said.

As he entered he was immediately crowded. "Excuse me, excuse me!" Veiro kept yelling until he found us. "Do I still have space here?" He asked us. We were gonna answer until one of the employees said "We have a lovely open space there with a lovely view you can sit there!" He said.

Veiro ignored him and asked again "Do I have space here?" Hahahaha. "Yes bro you have, sit beside dad over there." I said. "Thank you." He replied as he got there.

"You are siting with random people...?" The employee asked. "These random people to you are my family." He said. And they were all shocked. He took a piece of paper and wrote down his order and gave it to the employee.

"This is my order" He said. And then fans went near our table and kept asking for his autograph. The opened his phone and tapped something and immediately guards came in and blocked em all off.

"Gosh dear, you're pretty popular." My mom teased. "Oh how I wish I wasn't. But I need money so." He said. We all laughed. "How'd you two know where we are?" I asked.

"Your phone has a tracker on it." Mason said. 'What the heck...' I thought to myself. "I canceled all my concerts and whatever for 3 months. My manager basically quitted but I don't care since like after he quitted millions of interviews went in." Veiro said.

"Hahaha lol" I replied. We were all having a great time. All of us went home, my aunt and uncle were staying at a spare bed at our parent's room, Mia sleeps with me in my bed. Well not really cause we stay up late.

The next day, Jake didn't come to class so we all decided to visit him. "Where does Jake live? It's been months yet I still don't know where he lives." Kircee said. "Dude he lives in a castle. Where else you idiot." Jiro replied.

Hahaha. "But I don't think we can travel the 3+ hours to Kaizishia." Mia complained. "No way I'm driving for that long" Jiro added. "We're not driving, we're not taking more than an hour." I said.

"Are we going to flyyy????" Kircee asked in excitement. We all looked at him like he was some alien. "What? Jiro can make us fly!" He added. "Who am I now your car?" Jiro asked sounding annoyed.

"Yessss!" Kircee replied. "We're not flying, we're not driving we are all going to use something called our feet." I said to finally shut them up. "We're going to walk to Kaizishia?" Mia asked sounding sarcastic.

"No we're going to his house in Aizishia you idiots!" I yelled. "Ohhhhhhh!" they all said. Oh my gosh. Idiots. "He lives in a secret place in the library" I said.

"Ohhh! Secret base!" Kircee yelled. "You're so childish bro. I can't believe you're some popular jock dude in school." Mia said. "He's a jock yeah, but in reality he's some gay softie." Jiro added. "HEY! I'm not a softie!" Kircee protested.

"Let's just go and comfort our ice cube." I said. We all walked to the library and I pulled the pen. I put my necklace in the white room with nothing and it opened. "That's Jake's door for you" I said.

"The password is a necklace?" Mia asked. "No, only mine and Jakes and probably a few others." I said. "How so?" Jiro asked. "My first time trying it, this door literally pushed me out." I said sounding annoyed remembering that memory.

Kircee was there looking around and didn't even seem to notice what we were doing. "C'mon pup let's go in" Jiro said. "'Pup' huh?" Mia teased. "What?" Jiro asked. "You like Kircee~" I teased.

"Ew no that softie? Nah" He said as he blushed. "Aww bl... I love their stories they're so adorbs" Mia squealed. And then we got in as Jiro dragged Kircee inside since he won't stop roaming around.

"Hewoo!!!" Zemia came to us. "Hello Zemia! Where is your big bubba Jake?" I asked. "He's in bed. Papa said bubba is sick" She said. "Hey Vrieya, I suppose you four are here to cheer up Jake?" Zaile came in and asked.

"Yeah" I said. "He's in his room, and no need to be worried about our dad, he's being treated right now. Our papa said he knows someone who can treat him" He added.

"How?" I asked. "I think it's our grandfather from his side. Our grandfather originally had a Dreizm necklace, but the guardian before you changed his necklace and refused to tell us why he wouldn't change it back." He replied.

"Woah... Okay!" I said. That was great news! We came in to see Jake moping around. "Hey pajama boy" Jiro teased. "W-what are you guys doing here?!" He yelled in embarrassment.

Hahaha! We've never really seen him in comfy clothes or like just house clothes so I guess this is embarrassing for him. "Chill, we're just here to check on you." I said.

no idea what title I should put so I just put dat ;-;

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