Gil is born

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He simply could not believe it. He was shocked. He never imagined himself having a child. He only saw this woman a few times in New York City, on a trip several months back. It was a relationship he knew would simply not work. She was not a big part of his life at all.

They only saw each other a few times, went on a few dates, but he knew there was no future together. Now suddenly mayor Shelbourne gets a call from a hospital in New York, saying she had his baby, then passed away very shortly afterward due an illness. How could I have been so reckless... mayor shelbourne thought to himself.

He had already gone to court, and sure enough the baby will be in his custody. How could I have let this happen..? Mayor Shelbourne asked himself.. he simply could not believe what he heard on that phone call.

Suddenly he has a child. A little baby boy to be exact. What was he supposed to do? He couldn't just give him up to his mother, she had passed away only days after the baby was born. He was rich and successful, he was the town mayor. He had more then enough money and wealth for a child.

However, not wanting the child was the problem. Mayor Shelbourne never wanted children. And now suddenly he has one. Completely out the blue. She had never even called to tell him she was pregnant or anything before passing away! Not a single phone call! She could have at least wrote a letter! Or called! Or something! Mayor Shelbourne said to himself angrily.

He barely had any time to prepare, the baby was at the hospital ready to be picked up. Of course mayor Shelbourne would have to fly to New York City, pick up his baby from the hospital, and bring him back to swallow falls, and raise him... He thought about giving the baby up, but no, that was his own flesh and blood. How would that make him look to the public?

He had more then enough money and wealth. Even if he never wanted this. He still couldn't believe he was a father now.. he shuttered at the thought. This was one thing Mayor Shelbourne never wanted. The thought of some needy whiny little child, who cries, and wets himself, and constantly wants to be held just makes him cringe.

This is a complete nightmare.. he thought to himself. Mayor Shelbourne was on the phone with the hospital in New York. Yes, I will be there in a day or two. I just need 24 hours to prepare, said Mayor Shelbourne on the phone. Okay Mr. Shelbourne, your little boy will be here waiting for you! When you get here we will have you sign the acknowledgment of paternity documents, as well as the birth certificate. Said the person on the other line. And congratulations by the way on becoming a father!

Ughhh, thanks, said mayor Shelbourne, then they hung up. Mayor Shelbourne had so much to do in such a short amount of time. He had already bought a baby cradle, and put it in what would be his son's room. He lived in a big mansion, so there was more than enough space. He bought 2 cradles to put one of them his own room, in case it was needed, or his office etc. He had picked out the colors for the baby's room.

He had picked blue for the walls. There was so much to do.. so much to prepare..his life was always simply about him. Everything in mayor Shelbourne's life had revolved around himself and money. He would do anything to make himself richer, even manipulate people, but now he was forced to make more room in his life, that wasn't completely about him.

                             Some time later:

Mayor Shelbourne was in town in swallow falls, at a baby store. He made sure to get extra blankets for the baby's cradle, lots of baby clothes, diapers, bottles, wash cloths, and much more. Before he checked everything out, the store clerk recognized him. Mayor Shelbourne is that you??

What are you doing here mr mayor?? I didn't realize you had wife! I'm assuming you have a baby on the way?? How wonderful! Said the clerk. No I'm not married actually, I am single, it's a complicated situation, mayor Shelbourne said. Yes though, it would appear I do have a child I am bringing home very soon.

Oh! How nice! The store worker said. Yes, I found out very recently the child is mine.. He was born somewhere else, so I have to go get him. The mother.. mayor Shelbourne paused for a minute. How was he supposed to say it..? The boy's mother had passed on earlier this week.

Oh I am so sorry for your loss! Said the store worker. Don't be, we were only seeing each other for a short time. It was never going to work out anyway, said mayor Shelbourne, Well congratulations on becoming a father mr mayor! Mayor shelbourne brought all the baby stuff home.

He walked down the hall, and looked into what will be his son's room. He looked all around, he saw the cradle in the baby's room, the mobile hanging over the crib with the moon, clouds, and stars on it. He had dark curtains put in the room so the sunlight wouldn't disturb the baby.

He bought flight tickets to go pick up his baby and for the way back. He made sure the baby's cradle would be warm and comfortable. Anything to keep it from crying all night, every night. It looks like he got most of everything ready for his newborn son. Tomorrow morning he decided he would go get his baby. And so the nightmare begins.. he thought to himself.

This was his ONLY child, and he would make sure that this was also his last. He would make sure this would never happen again. This will be his only child. This is never going to happen again, I am certain, Mayor Shelbourne told himself.

Little Gil Shelbourne Where stories live. Discover now